Chapter 15: Savage (+ Update)

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*I'm back from my HUGE break, but I'm just gonna do writing, not role play. I'm also gonna change my username, I'm not really emo anymore. By the way, me and my boyfriend broke up for reasons, but I have someone else who way better, thank you~! Anyways, my best friend made a Walking Dead book and I wanted to show you guys it! 

 By the way, me and my boyfriend broke up for reasons, but I have someone else who way better, thank you~! Anyways, my best friend made a Walking Dead book and I wanted to show you guys it! 

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It's really cool! Ash is in it along with other friends and also my new boyfriend! If you like this book, I would say for you to check his out! Draksis!*

~Your P.O.V.~

I sigh as I leave my room after getting dressed. Garroth was playing with Bella somewhere, so I had free time, I guess. I walk around, but bump into someone. That someone was Dante. He chuckles and helps me up. "Thanks." I mutter as I look into his deep dark blue eyes. 

"No problem, I kinda ran into there." He chuckles, running a hand though his dark blue sleek hair. 

"Hey Dante...?"


"Wanna hang out?"

"Sure." He smiles brightly, making me smile.

~Zane's P.O.V~

I was gonna ask her to hang out! I will rip you to pieces and murder you slowly Dante! You will pay! ...What is wrong with me!? What is happening to me!? I run off to the old football field of the middle school and sit down. What am I doing?! I would never murder someone! Why would I think this... I'm turning into a savage... I just need to sing to cool down. Mom always sang to me when I was mad, it made me happy in the end...

She got me loving in the morning
Got me singing in the pouring rain
Got me wrapped around her finger
I'm perfect in the palm of your hand
Message couldn't be much clearer
Like a metaphor of make-believe
But somebody wouldn't pinch me
That would be the end of this dream

Well pardon my manners
Just something about you turns me to a savage
If imma be honest I can't help but to stay
Yeah, I'm losing my balance
Got me running into circles around you to please you
I do what I need to
So pardon my manners
Just something about you turns me to a savage

Well pardon my manners
But something about you turns me to a savage

And baby every time you walk by
I can feel magic in the air
Promise this ain't a drop by
I'm tryna sweep you up and keep you here

Got me running into circles around you to please you
I do what I need to
So pardon my manners
Just something about you turns me to a savage

Well pardon my manners
But something about you turns me to a savage

Well pardon my manners
Just something about you turns me to a savage
If imma be honest I can't help but to stay
Yeah, I'm losing my balance

Got me running into circles around you to please you
I do what I need to
So pardon my manners
Just something about you turns me to a savage  

Well pardon my manners
But something about you turns me to a savage

That didn't help...

~Your P.O.V.~

I giggle when Dante pouts after losing the game. I cheer as I beat him. Again. "Not fair, your cheating!"

"Everything is fair in the world of love and war Dante~"


"Suck it up buttercup~"

"Only if you kiss me~"


"Wait, what!?"

"Your so easy!" I laugh my butt off as he pouts again. I sigh and peck his cheek. He smirks and cheers, making me laugh again. 

"Hey (Y/n)...?"


"I think I fell into a deep hole that I can't get out of, it's call love..."


"I love you..."

"Dante please..."

"I can't..."

"I already have to much."

"I can't help it." Suddenly, his lips on mine. His lips were soft and nice. I couldn't help, but kiss back. There was a spark, like in Garroth's kiss. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. He places his hands on my hips and bit my bottom lip softly. I, of course, open my mouth and he slides his tongue in. Right now, I was most likely very red. He explores his 'new territory'. After a bit, we had to pull away for air. We both pant a bit. "Sorry (Y/n)..."

"It's okay Dante..."


"I love you too Dante..."

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