Chapter 3: Bright

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I look at Laim and we both nod. We run down the stares with our weapons in hand and I see everyone looking out the kitchen. They see us running to the front door and we open the back front doors (you know what I mean). We close them and run to the front front doors. We run out and see the women holding the sleeping child. The child has brown hair. The woman was crying. We walk up to her. "T-take my c-child and keep h-her safe. I g-got bit a-and can s-some one do i-it?" I know what she was asking. We both nod sadly and he hands me the child. "Her name is Bella." She said. Bella is like Isabelle. Laim starts walking to the back of the school with her following. I carry the child into the doors. I open the doors to into the school She was still sleeping. I walk back into the kitchen and everyone's eye widen. I sit down in the chair looking at the small child. She looked to be 8 years old. How could a child survive this long. I push the child's hair out her face. 

"I-is that a child?" Aphmau asks. I give her the duh look and she shuts up.

"Were did she come from?" River asks.

"A mother, duh." I said. They all look at me with the really look.

"Stop being a smart-" Zane was cut off by Laim walking in the room. He had blood all over him. They eye him as he sits down. 

"Kawaii~chan wants to know what happened to the child in (y/n)~senpai's arms." Kawaii~chan said.

"Her mother was carrying her and she was bit. The mother told (y/n) to look after her. She didn't want to become one of them, so I killed her." Laim said with pain in his voice. Does he even care he killed someone? 

"Whats her name?" Dante asked.

"B-bella." I said with my voice cracking. Laim and Aphmau look down. They know about Isabelle. 

~Time Skip~

We finished dinner a while ago. Bella was still asleep. I was sitting in my room look at her sleep on my bed. I smile and turn around. I go back to cleaning my knife and shot gun. I hear a moan of pain. I turn around to see Bella awake. She looks around the room and see me. He hides her face under the blanket. I chuckle and remove the blanket. She looks at me with her bright purple eyes. "Where's m-mommy?" She asks. 

I frown and I say "You mom told me to take care of you."

"So your my mom now?" She asks. I freeze. Mom? I never of thought of being a mom. The world is dead anyways, but mom? 

"Y-yes." My voice cracked. She jumps up and hugs me. No one hugged me like this before. This one is loving, but the one Laim gives me is hard. I hug her back and she pulls away.

"Can you sing me a song, so I can sleep, mom?" She asks with smile that shine so bright. I nod and she lays down with the covers over her. I sigh and start to sing:

(Bold- You) 

You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Another star
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Was it all in my fantasy?
Where are you now?
Were you only imaginary?

Where are you now?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monster's running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded

These shallow waters never met what I needed
I'm letting go a deeper dive
Eternal silence of the sea. I'm breathing alive

Where are you now?
Where are you now?
Under the bright but faded lights
You've set my heart on fire
Where are you now?
Where are you now?

Where are you now?
Under the sea
Under the sea
Where are you now?
Another dream
The monster's running wild inside of me
I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded
I'm faded
So lost, I'm faded

~Laurence's P.O.V.~

I was walking by (y/n)'s room, when I hear her talking to someone then singing. I stop and open the door a little. I peek in and see her singing Bella to sleep. Bella look had brown hair and purple eyes. 

They fall asleep soon after

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They fall asleep soon after. Bella in the bed and (y/n) on the floor. (y/n) has the voice of an angel. I walk in and pick up (y/n) I lay her in the bed with Bella. I heard Bella call her mom. I bet (y/n) would be a good mom. I remember (y/n) now! Aphmau tried to make her get friends. I smile. She was 18 at the time. Same age as Aphmau. Her brother Laim was the other person. The one who broke girl's hearts and was very popular. (y/n) was very pretty in school, but she hid her self. She is even more pretty than she was back then. I guess it's the way this new world made her. I smile and kiss (y/n)'s forehead. I leave the room and close the door. I wonder if (y/n) will ever needed someone to be a father for Bella? Is she does I hope it is me.

~Time Skip To 4 in the Morning~

~Your P.O.V.~

I open my eyes to see Bella in bed with me. I smile and get up. I think I'm gonna use today to get to know Bella more. I get dressed in my normal clothes and I turn around to see an outfit for Bella. There was a note with it.

I got the these clothes from the basement for Bella. ~River

I smile at the the note and look at the outfit.

I smile at the the note and look at the outfit

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I look over at Bella and she was yawning. She opens her eyes and sees the outfit. Her eyes widen in happiness and she runs over. She grabs it and runs into the closet of the room. I chuckle and there was a knock at the door. I open the door and there was Laim. He had his sniper. "You gonna come to watch?" He asked.

"No, I'm gonna play with Bella." I said. He nods his head understanding and walks away. I turn around and see Bella. 

"Mommy, who was that?" She asked.

"That was..... uhhh..... Your uncle." I said.

"Oh." She says. I pick her up in my arms and walk out of the room. I see Travis, Laurence, Dante, and Garroth in the garden trying to plant. I said trying. I smile and they see me. I walk out of the building and walk over to them. 

"Umm. Mom who are these people." Bella said. Garroth, Dante, and Travis' eye widen at the word mom.

"These are mommy friends." I said.

"And your soon to be dad." Travis said as he winked at me. I sigh and Laurence hits him.

"Is that true mom?" Belle asked.

"NO!" Garroth, Dante, and Laurence yell. I giggle and I walk away with Bella in my arms. Time to spend the day with Bella.



New Life, New Friends {The Biters} (MS Boys X Reader) *HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now