Chapter 16: He Has Lost It

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*"I'm sorry but this girl is a wh*re" Then stop reading my stories if you hate, but the title states ALL the guys X Reader, so yeah.... "But I don't like Dante!" or "I don't like Garroth!" Suck. It. Up. Or get out of here, because it's ALL the guys, I rest my case*

"Hey! River! We need some more barbed wire over here!"

"Got it!"

A lot has happened since Dante and I kissed... First of all, zombies got into the school, and we lost Alex to the zombies.... Yeah..... Now we're making a fence around the school, and Katelyn is really upset since her work on the plants was now kinda ruined, but I told her we should be happy since we didn't lost much-other than Alex-but she's still upset. I got really close to everyone now, and when I let them in so fast, I thought I was being stupid and they wouldn't last long, but now I want them to last longer, like really long. Longer than me.

"You there sweet cheeks?"

I jumped when I heard that, then just noticed that Travis was standing in front of me. I could clearly see the long line that ran across his right cheek he got during the fight, almost getting hit with a bullet and a zombie at the same time, but luckily got out with only that scar.

"Don't call me sweet cheeks...."

"Okay, okay. So, who's on a run this week?"

"Oh, um..." Crap, I forgot to pick.... "Um..... Laurence, Vylad, and Zane...."

"Oh okay!" Travis waves to me as he ran off

I sighed and smiled weakly at his bubbly personality. How can he still flirt and be so happy about himself?

"Hey!" I look over and see Fresh walking over to me, "Sooo.... Dallas is mad at me...."

"What?" I asked confused, "Why?"

"Because.... Because I like Katelyn...."

"Wait, wait, what? Hold it there, you both like Katelyn!?"


"Oh jeez...."

"Help me..."

"You dug your own grave...."

~Vylad's P.O.V.~

I was to busy looking at the clouds thinking about.... Her.... When Travis had to run over with Laurence and Zane, rude. "What is it?" I ask the three

"You three are going on a mission" Travis stated

"Ughhhh" The three groan. You see, we didn't get along.... At all.

"Have fun!" Travis laughs and runs off. I looked at Laurence, since I haven't really took a change to get a good look at him. Never noticed he had a scar on his upper arm... I know Zane has a scar over his hidden eye, but huh...

"Let's just get going...."

"Yeah... Okay..."

~Laim's P.O.V.~

It's been a while since I've been with her. I think a month, two months? How do you keep track of time and such? I mean, why would we anyways now a days? "Yo Laim, you've been staring at me for like an hour now, am I just that hot?"


"Your rude"

"I'm rude?"


".... Well.... So are you!"

"Best comeback of-What year is it?"

"How do I know?"


"How am I the idiot!?"

"You get in a fight with (Y/n), and suddenly it's the end of the world for you. It's just a fight, is it that bad?"

"You like-"

"Shut up, I don't like him anymore"


"I'm gonna kill you"

~Laurence's P.O.V.~ 

~Time Skip~

I might have wondered away from Zane and Vylad, and got lost.... Great..... Maybe if I yell-yeaaaah noooo, not gonna do that. I suddenly heard a scream, not girly, so I know it's Vylad and Zane. My fear sets in as I quickly look around. No, no, where are they!? I try to run where I heard the scream. I find myself at a cliff and now I'm confused. I slowly walked near the cliff.... I look down and gasped at the sight....


I get on my knees and grab his arm to try and pull him up, him hanging on for dear life.

"What happened!?"


"Yes! What happened Vylad!" I yelled, still trying to pull him up

"Z-Zane.....!" He screamed after he said what he did, looking behind me in fear. I turn around only to see black hair, a cold blue eye, and a creepy grin. My eyes widened in fear also, but before anything else could happen. I feel a shove and everything fades to black like a TV screen.....



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