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"Jimin? Jimin are you okay?"

Yoongi knocked on the bathroom door with eager. It wasn't likely for Jimin to be puking this early in the morning. Especially after sex.

'Did I taste that bad last night?' 

Yoongi thought to himself looking down at his crotch area. Speaking of last night, let's just say it was probably one of the best nights that Yoongi has had in awhile. A lot of skin gripping and moaning that's for sure. Leaning against the bathroom door, Yoongi fell forth when Jimin yanks it open.


Yoongi shouts and grabs onto Jimin for balance.

Looking up at his love's face, the pale youngster smiled weakly. Little droplets of sweat, fell from his face onto Yoongi's sleeve.

"Hey, what's wrong? Jimin, why do you look like this? Was last night too fun?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow hoping he was right but Jimin shook his head.

"I'm sorry- I don't feel well.. ah-"

Jimin stumbled off towards the sink holding his head. His world was spinning around in a never ending circle.

Throat burning like fire, and lips as dry as they could get, Jimin pushed Yoongi out of his way and went for the toilet.


Yoongi shouts after his sick boyfriend, running for Aeri's room.



"You're fever is really high Chim-Chim. How did you even get this sick overnight?!" Jung placed a wet rag over her sick nephews head and fixed the blankets over him. Blowing the rice porridge so it would cool, Aeri fed Jimin quietly.

"I don't know.." Jimin whispered, opening his mouth so he could at least get some food in his system. Standing up from her spot, Jung walked over and sat near his foot.

"Well you can't just get sick overnight."

Yoongi felt four pairs of eyes turn to look at him. Mouth fell agape, he begins stuttering when he catches them. Sohyun widen her eyes and crosses her arms feeling uncomfortable.

Jung raises her eyebrows and gave Yoongi a smirk. Not being able to say anything, Yoongi finally admits.

"We were quiet okay?"

Muffled disgusted groans came from each and everyone of them.

"Oh gosh," says Sohyun in disgust. "I-I'll be back.." And off she went, shutting the front door loudly.

Holding onto her stomach, Aeri gets up awkwardly and hands the bowl of porridge to Yoongi.

"Make sure he finishes everything okay?"

Yoongi nods and takes her place. Jung who continues to sit there with a shocked expression doesn't say anything. Instead of leaving them alone, questions were asked. Uncomfortable questions to be exact.

"So you guys.. fucked?"



"Ah! Careful!" Jung grabbed Jimin's arms with stability and helped him down the path. A week has passed since Jimin fell ill and the boy clearly wasn't getting any better. Everyday and every night, Jimin would always be vomiting until he passes out. One night, the cold took over and his skin was turning blue. Aeri couldn't bare to see her son looking like this any longer as it reminded her of the past. With a risk of getting what Jimin has, Aeri decided to get Jimin check up on this illness that he has.

Dream: Fate | Yoonmin fanfic (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now