ch. 16 <ending>

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“What do you want?”

“Help me, please.”

“I'm sorry,” she turns her head away from him, “I can't.”

“Please, Woori! You're all I have right now! Please help me find a way to prevent the curse-”

“It's too late, Yoongi! What don't you understand?!”

The morning birds chirped past the pair of early birds and flee to the other side of the lake. The sun that was beginning to rise sat on top of the lake, it's bright orange color reflecting off of the lucid water.

The morning air was chilly with a hint of humidity to dress the weather. Waking up at six o'clock in the morning wasn't bad, especially when you had priorities. Yoongi threw his head back and it hits the green bench he and Woori were sitting on.

He contacted Woori “magically” and somehow she arrived there. Yoongi couldn't bare the pain of losing Jimin. With Jimin knowing what could happen, Yoongi didn't want to lose that small risk. After a mini argument that occurred, Woori stood up from her standing.

“Look, I'm sorry. I truly am, but there is no other way we can help Jimin.”

“What if it was me?”

Yoongi sat up and shook Woori, something in his mind sparked.

“What if it was me?! You said that the curse will end if either me and or the one I love is dead! Woori!” Yoongi smiles in content. A part of him was sulking yet the other half was put in relief. Woori took a step back in hesitation.

“You can't.. Yoongi..”

Yoongi frowns and pulls in his arms to the side of him. The wind began to pick up rather fast. Really fast.

“What do you mean?”

“Because I- AH!”

The girl fell at Yoongi's foot, her legs collapsing on her.

“WOORI!” Yoongi shouts and tries to pick her up. “Whats wrong? Woori!”

The now pale girl was turning even whiter. Her braided hair suddenly turned silver, her outfit following with. Yoongi sat in shock, what was going on?!

“Wo-Woori! What's going on?! Woori!”


She was breathless. Her every breath that seemed to be her last. Yoongi held Woori in his arm, eyes falling to tears. This isn't  happening, thought Yoongi. The pit in his stomach felt like a gnaw in his throat. Was this the reality that Jimin faced when he came to visit during their days?

“Woori- don't! What's going on-”

“Jimin..” she whispers. A smile was slowly starting to form and tears fell down the corner of her almond eyes.

“Goodbye Yoongi.”

And she vanished.


Jimin slowly made his way down the stairs to hear nothing but bickering coming from his mother and Sohyun. Their rather loud voices were music to his ears before he went into the kitchen. The both of them were fighting, nothing that involved him. That wasn't important right now. Jimin stood near the table and looked at his mom. His mom that was in so much pain, so much that she tries to keep a smile behind the fear that she faces every day before she steps into the real world. The pain that she was forced to face since she was young. As she grows older, it gets harder each time. The amount of love a mother can give to her only child, Jimin couldn't pull out of his decision. Tears built-up in his eyes but he slowly shifts them towards Sohyun who doesn't care about him but about proving her opinion right.

Dream: Fate | Yoonmin fanfic (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now