ch. 14

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I sat across from Jimin with my legs cross, arms hidden in his royal blue sweatshirt. These baggy pants that would make my legs expand twice its size fell against the couch that I was sitting on. Jimin, wearing the same clothes from yesterday was still asleep, or so I think. You know how he is now when he’s home alone with me, trying to avoid my presence. I don’t blame him, I would too. The house stood in silence ever since Aeri and her sisters left early this morning.

I guess they planned a meeting for something important; wouldn’t say what though. And here I am, waiting for Jimin to wake up so I can feed him his porridge, if he’d let me. The now cooled rice porridge has been sitting at the edge of the table for almost two hours now, probably not even good to eat anymore. I got up from my place a couple of times walking around the house to see what needed to be done but everything was fine. I was bored out of my wits with nothing to do. What can I do anyway? Furthermore, what can I do to apologize? Suddenly from out of nowhere, a knock on the door was heard. I frown a bit before quickly running over to open it. Usually if it was Aeri them, they would open the door with their keys.


My mouth fell.
Woori barges past me, hitting my right shoulder. Her pink floral dress swift pass me and a clatter was heard.

“What are you doing here?!” I yell in shockery and pull her back out. I drag the both of us out so we would reside outside of the house where our voices wouldn't wake up Jimin.Woori spun around and fixes her hair, glancing over before having the nerve to walk up to me in her loud heels.

“What are YOU doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the other world? Why are you walking among us again?” Woori steps up to my face, almost leaving no space between me and her.

“I should be asking you that. Let me guess, the crying my name when I saw you at the night market was all a lie right? Well, let me tell you something, why don’t you go back to your little boyfriend and migrate somewhere else. It’s you who don’t belong here, you heartless wench.” I lightly push her away from me and begin to make my way inside.

“Oh,” Woori starts, then she begins to laugh. “I’m a heartless wench? Well i’m sorry that I couldn’t stop my body guard from stabbing you to death. By the time I got inside, it was too late to tell you that I was dying from your curse!”

I couldn’t take another step. It was like I froze, leg stiffening up with no movement of a muscle.  Did she say curse? I spun back around and brought myself close to her, demanding an answer. “What the hell are you talking about?!” I yell in her face and she backs away from me.

“Wow, just wow. You didn’t know that you had a curse attached to you? Your entire family? Wow, bravo like how they call it in this world. You’re ridiculous.” Woori was giving me attitude as she spoke her final words.

“What are you talking about?!” I say again and grab her by her shoulders. “What curse!”

“You will never be able to love! A person like you, you don’t deserve to love! If you do, the one who makes your heart full to its content will die! Don't you think that's why I was so ill?  Don’t you think that’s why I broke it off with you the night before our wedding?!” Woori was covered in tears and I fell back. My knees fell weak and I fell down on the steps of the porch, hands shaking from disbelief. “I did what I had to do so the both of us can live! I was given no choice back there!”

“Stop lying! You had a choice but you didn’t tell me!”

“HOW WAS I GOING TO BREAK IT TO MY FIANCEE THAT IN ORDER FOR ME TO LIVE, HE WAS GOING TO HAVE TO DIE? AND THAT IN ORDER TO LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE I HAD TO LEAVE HIM?!” Woori weakly cries and covers her face. Her tears races down her pink cheeks and all I can hear was her.

Was that why.. everything seems to be making sense right now. No, why am I trusting her?

“Why should I believe you?” I ask her and then my face was whip to my left. A sting was felt, piercing through my left cheek.

“JIMIN IS GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!” Woori stood up and began to walk down the steps of the short porch onto the driveway. “Don't believe me? Try curing him! He's only got a week left!”

“Wait!” I yell after her. “WOORI!” I call out to her, cupping my hands around my lips to project a louder voice. “WOORI!”
But she never turned her back.



Curse? What curse? I never thought that this day would come. My family was cursed? But- but how? It was moments after when Woori left me with more questions than I initially had. After sitting outside for so long, I head back inside to find Jimin already awake. He sat and ate quietly, not bothering to look up at me. “How are you feeling?” I ask him, voice almost shaking.
No answer.

Making my way across from him, I begin to observe him. His milky skin was as pale as ever, lips the shade of purple and a sweat that broke out of him. The distortion in his figure left me almost convinced. What Woori said, only one week left, was it true? Was it his sickness that i’ve caused him to have? His spoon full of rice porridge barely made it up to his mouth. I shake my head and try to get Woori’s thoughts out of my mind but somehow, deep inside, something wasn’t right. It was as if what she said was true.
“L-let me help you..” I run over to him and take the spoon from him and Jimin fell back weakly. His eyes flutter a bit before groaning.

“I-I’m tired..” he softly spoke.

“Jimin,” I touch him but then he fidgets. I gasp and put the bowl away, moving from him.

“Let's go do something when you get better.” I say to him, pressing my lips together.

“If I do get better.” I heard him say to himself before he fell asleep.


Dream: Fate | Yoonmin fanfic (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now