Ch. 10

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< the next day >

Was this like Deja Vu all over again? Jimin sat up on the couch feeling nauseous as ever, this time even worse than before. It was like a hangover but combined with being sick and a crazy headache. His surroundings was turning all over as he tried to stand up but fell back down without no energy. Eyes half closed, Jimin starts to feel a drizzly cold air swarm over him. The entire heat in his body slowly went away and was soon taken over by nothing but the coldness. Shivering half to death, Jimin wanted to scream and yell for his mom or someone but nothing was able to come out. It was him by himself all over again. No matter how many times he thinks he's got his voice out, nothing.

"MOM!" he weakly shouts, forcing himself to stand up. Falling weakly on the ground, a loud clatter was made enough to wake up Aeri.

"Jimin? JIMIN?!"

Rushing down the stairs to her son, Aeri helps Jimin up onto the couch so he could easily rest.
"Why are you getting sick again?" she concernedly asks him, grabbing a nearby blanket to cover him up. "No, just don't talk. Stay here and don't move."

Jimin watched as his worried mother calmly stood up and left into the kitchen. Meanwhile Yoongi was sitting up in their room, thinking about everything that has happened. Not knowing that his boyfriend was downstair, sick, Yoongi finally takes the courage and steps out of the room. Knowing about what happened yesterday, he couldn't face Aeri. Most of all, Jimin. How was he going to apologize to Jimin if this was already a second strike?

"Calm." Yoongi whispers underneath his breath before walking downstairs to where everyone stood.

"Good morning Yoongi!" said Sohyun, walking past him. Giving her a plain smile, Yoongi stops when he sees Jimin sprawled on the couch, dead asleep.
Aeri walked past him carrying a bowl of porridge, placing it on the table.

"You're finally up." she briefly says to him.

"Um, what's going on?"

Following her into the kitchen, Jung greets him tiredly before preparing for breakfast. "Your boyfriend is sick again. He was probably outside for too long last night."

Walking past him again, Aeri rushed upstairs leaving Jung with Yoongi.

"He was outside last night?" she confusingly ask him.

"Oh.. yeah."


Yoongi didn't feel like explaining to Jung, so he just shrugged it off.
"It's complicated." he told her right before Sohyun came running down.

"Yoongi! Do you want to go to the store with me?"
Changing from her pajamas to a dress, Aeri came following after looking over at him. "Actually," Aeri butts in. "I'll go with you. In fact, me and Jung will too."

"I will?"

Aeri gives Jung a look and soon enough, her younger sister was up and changing.

"Yoongi, why don't you stay home and help take care of Jimin for me? His rice porridge is over there cooling down. Once he awakens, please feed him and give him the medicine in the cabinet. Anything just call us okay? You know how to use a phone right?"
Yoongi nods his head while listening.
"Aish, why is he always sick now? Didn't you just take him to the hospital a few weeks ago?" Sohyun huffs. "Jimin gets sick too easily."

"And you're too naive. Let's go." Aeri forces Sohyun out the door and shuts it behind her. Jung quickly comes rushing down before saying bye to Yoongi. Hearing the door shut, Yoongi was left home alone with Jimin. This was where he felt the most burden with responsibility.

< store >

"What is good to eat for dinner?" Jung scan the aisle over at the Park Center's Market, leaning towards sushi. "Anything to satisfy your cravings." Sohyun reaches down into her purse and takes out a check list. "Hmm, I might make some spicy rice cakes for Yoongi. Last time we went he didn't like theirs, so i'm wondering if he'll like mine-"

"Sohyun, please stop."
Aeri stood behind both of her sister's, arms by her side. Sohyun grunts and sticks out her tongue at Aeri, knowing how much she hates shopping.

"I didn't ask for you to come, Aeri." Sohyun rolls her eyes at her older sister.

"I didn't ask you for to kiss Yoongi."
Time froze, well for Sohyun of course. The joking younger sister was left astound by a fact that was never said by her.

"You what?!" Jung covers her mouth in shock.

"Who told you-"

"Why are you so worried about who told me? Does it really bring happiness to you that you're doing all of this behind our backs? Behind Jimin's? Sohyun! You know better than that! Did you think that we wouldn't find out?!"

Sohyun hid behind her single sheet of paper, turning cherry red. She was screwed.

"What in the world Sohyun?" Jung screeches, dragging her hands up and down the side of her face.

Sohyun threw the paper down.
"So I did, and what? You're going to kick me out because I'm a human being and I have feelings too? Huh?!"

"You're a fucking disgrace!"

"And like you weren't?! Getting knocked up at what 19 or 20? I'm so fucking tired of you Aeri! You never once respected my decision because you're so full of yourself and how this family will look in other's eyes! Well guess what?! Our family is already fucked up, so stop controlling me! I know what i'm doing!"

Jung stood in between Aeri and her younger sister, trying to prevent anything more from happening. "Guys, stop it!" she hisses, seeing that a crowd was starting to form.

"Instead of going back on my past, maybe you should look at yourself and realize who's going to really fuck things up."

< home >

Yoongi sat besides Jimin, sitting at the foot of the couch. Patiently, and impatiently waiting for him to wake up. There was a nervous feeling to how all of this would turn out. Things are already bad enough to point it out again. Getting the jeebees from a nerve wreck, Yoongi was about to stand up when Jimin's eye slowly pry awake. Getting up instantly, Yoongi rushes and kneels besides him.

"Jimin? Jimin, hey, are you okay?" Yoongi turns Jimin's head so he could face him but was denied harshly.

"Go away." he ghastly moans. Turning to face the other way, Yoongi prevented him from doing so.

"Here, you need to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Your mom said-"

"GO AWAY!" Jimin uses all of his might and pushes the bowl right out of Yoongi's hands, making it splatter all over the floor. Facing on his side, Jimin closes his eyes and lets the tears fall. Without Yoongi knowing nor seeing. After several seconds of silence, Yoongi broke it.

"It was when you were at the hospital. Me and Sohyun happen to come across the Sakura park and she wanted to stay, but I wanted to go. At one moment, everything was fine until she kissed me." Yoongi inhales. "I didn't know how to react. I knew that she still liked me, but not to the point where she would kiss me. I pushed her away-"

"And still hid everything behind my back." Jimin bit down on his tears. Yoongi hung his head low, holding onto Jimin's hand. But little did he know, Jimin slowly pulled them away, placing it by his heart.

"I'm so sorry Jimin.." Yoongi whimpers. "I love you, I really do. But now, I wonder if you even deserve to have me anymore."


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