Chapter Twelve

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It was just that time again, when me and Zayn go out camping with his dad for a week during the summer. We had a reason to go every year and it wasn't a good one. Zayn's parents would argue about Zayn's life and how there's a lot of bad kids at our school who influence Zayn to do such bad thing's. Like for example were here camping because Zayn smoked Weed in the school bathroom and got caught, so here we are camping with his dad because Trisha and Yaserf got into a huge argument, which never turn out good. Trisha either ends up slapping and leaving Yaserf for a week or we go camping and leave Trisha for a week. But it's always camping.

I remember this one night exactly like if it was yesterday, Zayn, Yaserf and I were going camping for fun and not because of an argument for the first time. It was a horror.

*3 Year's Ago* 

*Zayn and I were 15 years old*

Finally school was over and tonight I would be staying at Zayn's house so we can go camping the next morning. I quickly met Zayn up in front of the school, and we started walking to his house.

"So how was school?" I ask..I always ask Zayn how was school.

"It was so boring!! The Geometry teacher was talking about how to solve a problem, the English teacher was talking about her stupid cat, and the History teacher kept saying do now!!! I swear I hate school...but my French substitute teacher was so hot Harry!! I kissed her dude I had to" Zayn says while putting his hands up in surrender

Why was Zayn like this? He was never getting bad grades or doing bad things in school? He was always good innocent Zayn. But this is not Zayn.

"Oh" Was all I managed to say

"Look Harry I gotta tell you something"Zayn said as we stopped at a corner. He was playing with his hands and he was staring to sweat!?

"Sure what's up?"I asked

"Well just please don't tell anyone"Zayn begged

"Dude trust me your like my brother I wouldn't open my mouth"

"Alright..first are my eyes red?"

"Ugh yeah why?" I ask

"Shit...I smoked weed Harry"He whispered as he rubbed his eye's..he was high.

"Zayn why would you do that!!?? this is really not the Zayn I use to know!"I shout

"I'll do what I wanna do Harry!! Now you either not tell and go camping with me and back me up if they see my eyes or you either leave and I'll say you don't feel good"

"I'll back you up"I lied

No matter how much I hate lying to Zayn's parents I can't afford to loose my best friend. I really don't have much friends because they would call me nerd all the time because I wore glasses and got straight A's every semester. So we then started walking back to Zayn's home without saying a word back to each other, once we reached the house we went straight into the kitchen and got some snacks as Trisha walked in looking pissed off.

"Hey boy's" Trisha said while smacking a gallon of juice onto the counter

"Mom what's wrong?"Zayn asks

"Nothing Zayn don't worry about me!!!"She snapped as I flinched at her word's.

"Mom seriously what's wrong you've never acted like this before!!"Zayn raises his voice as the front door opened and closes as Yaserf walks in the kitchen looking confused at all of us.

"Hello boys and Trisha...what's going on?"He asked

"Yaserf get out of this house!! You have no right to come in here!!"Trisha shouted

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