Chapter Eighteen

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(This chapter is dedicated to @ilovecolink497....for her very motivational comments!! :) Love You all for the reads, votes and comments!)

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-Diana's P.O.V-

Can I just say today was very tense and awkward. After our lunch, Zayn and Julissa wouldn't even dare to look at each other again. And Harry was acting strange around Zayn. It's like what did everyone do behind my back? I was right beside them every damn second. After school was over, I ran to Harry's car and waited for Zayn to come. As me and Harry were waiting patiently in the car for Zayn, I sighed out loud and took out my phone and began playing Candy Crush on it...Ha ha it's addicting I can't help it.

"Maybe one of us should go find him? Where was the last place you saw him?"Harry asks while taking his phone out as well

"Well..I saw him by his locker when me and you walked out of P.E, I can go find him"

"No, I'm going with you, I don't want no one hurting you"

"Jesus, are you Zayn now? I can go alone Harry, trust me for once?"

"Fine go, but if Zayn ticks on me-"I cut him off

"I'll explain gosh"I got out the car and made my way back into the school doors and started walking down the long hallways.

I looked both ways as I kept walking but saw no figure of Zayn. Just teachers walking by or students walking by. I walked pass a classroom and saw Calum sitting down next to a girl with glasses. I opened the door and waved at him. He looked up and his lit up when he saw me. I walked to him and gave him a huge hug.

"What are you doing here?"I ask

"I tutor people on Wednesday's, what are you doing here?"

Wow, he tutors, now that I never knew. And he's in a gang?

"Looking for Zayn"I mutter and look down at my shoes

"Oh, well I hope you find him?"

"Ha thanks, I'll let you get back to your tutoring"I smile and made my way back towards the door.

"Wait Diana"


"Are you coming back home with us?"

"Oh about that, I'm-"

"I know it's fine, Harry talked to me about it"He smiles as I managed to smile back.

"Okay bye Cal!"

"One more thing Dee"He stops me again

"Yes?"I laugh

"Are you going to the big Halloween party tomorrow night?"

"There's a party? But it's a Thursday"

"The school gave us Friday off, but there's this huge party that goes down in the mansion, you should go"

"Alright, I guess I'll go"

"Kay, see you there"

I walked out the class before he could say more and ran out the school doors. Where could Zayn be? I walked towards the other building and looked inside as well. Nothing but empty hallways and trash on the floors. I then started hearing voices coming down from the hall, I hesitated and hid behind a trash can. I heard the voices and foot steps get closer, until someone pulled the trash can to a side to reveal me.


"You again!!"I ask in frustration

"What's wrong with again? Princess Diana? Miss me yet? cause boy I sure miss your pretty little innocent face"

"Get away from me, how did you even get in campus grounds?"I spat

"Tif goes here now, she just enrolled"he smiles and grabs me by my arm and stands me up in my feet.

"Don't touch me"

"Tell your other boyfriend Harry that he's gonna get a surprise tomorrow"

"He's not my boyfriend and Zayn isn't either"

"Really Diana your doubting it? Once Zayn has a girl, he has full control over them, he may seem nice and all but he really is a monster, ask that girl Nicole Sky, she was once Zayn's girlfriend"

I blinked in shock, Nicole Sky? She was a very pretty girl, but now she's all messed up. She once dated the Zayn Malik? What else could Zayn hide from me like seriously?

"I need to go"I feel tears swell up in my eye's, damn stupid depression really takes over me.

"Don't you dare tell Zayn I talked to you, cause you will receive the worse and the death of him"

"Alright, just leave me alone please"I beg

"If your looking for Zayn, he's behind the school talking to my sister"He laughs then walks away.

I ran down the hall and to the back of the school to find Zayn but I couldn't find him anywhere. I then looked by the bleachers and witnessed the unexpected. I froze dead in my tracks and hesitated as tears streamed down my eye's. How could he?

He was kissing red hair bimbo, Tiffany. I screamed at the top of my lungs and made Zayn jump to look at me from a distance. He then started running towards me but I ran as fast as I could away from him. Stupid Zayn he never loved me. All the sweet stuff he said was all a damn lie. He played me. I ran and ran but it felt like I wasn't moving. I tripped over who knows what and knocked my wind out. I started breathing uneven until Zayn ran beside me.

"Diana wake up, Diana"Zayn began shaking me, what?

"Diana wake up!!!"He shook me hard again as I snapped out of it.

-End of Dream!!!!-

"Diana wake up!"Zayn said to me as I woke up from an awful dream

"Oh gosh Zayn it's you"I breathe in relief

"You scared me you started crying in your sleep"

"I'm sorry, where are we?"I look around the room and it is very unfamiliar

"Were home"


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Sorry very short chappie and probably poop, can't write much right now, me and my family haven't been talking, we've been giving each other silent treatment and its not comfortable.

Sorry again, next chapter will be better! Promise

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