Chapter Twenty Seven

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Diana's P.O.V

*2 Days Later*

I walked out down the hall of the hospital building up to the desk that was on my floor level. Today was the day I'm checking out and leaving this place, I never liked hospitals anyways. My depression has been minor now, I haven't had a break down in 24 hours which is good for having severe. I signed my paper to sign out and from the corner of my eye I saw Zayn walking slowly up and down the hall by himself. I'm guessing the boy's left? I tried so hard not to stare at him but it was useless, I need to get out of here before I go back to him.

I gather my bag and things and begin to walk towards the elevator and wait for it to come, but then he comes along and stands beside me. I play with the sleeve of my sweater and curl my hair with my finger, Zayn just stays silent and coughs. Once the elevator comes up the door opens and we both step in the same time, I hope someone else walks in so it won't be just us two but nope the door closes and were alone. My breathing starts to become uneven as I grip my bag tighter, Zayn sighs and sneaks a quick glance at me.

When the elevator goes down to the main level I walk out along with Zayn behind my back. I walk faster and walk out the hospital before he does, I stop for a minute thinking and remembered I have my phone in my bag that Niall had brought me yesterday. I get my phone out and stand outside going through my contacts on who to call. Zayn walks out of the building and looks at me, I couldn't help but look back at him, we both stayed there looking at each other without saying a word. He then waves a goodbye at me and begins to walk down the street but then stops and looks back at me.

"I'm sorry"He hesitates and turns back to walking down the street fast l as if Daniel was going to get him.

I inhaled lightly closing my eye's as the wind blowed against my face, I felt a tear come down my eye at the thought of me on my own now. I decide to call Josh, just to tell him I'm sincerely sorry for my attitude. But when I call him he sends it straight to voice mail, I know he saw me calling. So I leave him a voice mail.

"Hey Josh I know you probably don't wanna hear from me but I just wanted to let you know I'm fine now and leaving the hospital, right now you won't believe it but I'm standing in front of the hospital not knowing where to go now. I'm lost and on my own, wish me luck" I ended the call and something popped in my head, I need to get my stuff from Harry's home, speaking of Harry where is he.

Right on cue Harry stepped out the hospital and was on his phone but looked up and saw me staring at him, he smiled and walked towards me.

"Where you going now?"He asks while still going through his phone

I sighed,"to be honest with you, I don't even know I still need to get my stuff from your place if that's okay"

"No, it's not okay you can't be near us Diana your a threat to us, we can't be seen around you I'm not even suppose to be talking to you according to Zayn"

"According to Zayn? so he's the one who doesn't wanna be around me?"

"Don't take it like that Diana, he still really cares and loves you no matter what and right now he's just pissed that it had to be this way" Harry looks away and zones out as I look at him and cry.

"Well how am I gonna get my stuff?"I manage to smile but it hurt to.

Harry looks at me sorry and messes with his hair,"who ever your living with can pick up your stuff"

"That's gonna take some time to think but okay"

"Hey look on the bright side you get to be away from us meanies and start your life new without us in the picture, maybe by the time we'll be back you'll be married and having kids or getting married or something?"Harry smiles at me but I just smile and frown

"You guys are seriously leaving the country huh"

"Yeah but I can't tell you where"

"I know, like how I'm not gonna tell you who I'm staying with, I made up my mind"

"Who? didn't Josh leave? I hope your not thinking about going back to your parents?"

"What oh hell no never, they don't own me anymore I'm 18 I think I'm old enough, I even decided to drop out of school"

"You what? you can't drop out Diana your crazy"

"It's my decision Harry and my life, don't you think you should go? you can't be talking to me remember according to Zayn" Taste of your own medicine Harry.

"Your right, I'm gonna miss you I hope you know that Diana Rose Sapphire"Harry embraces me in a warm hug and let's go

"Me too no lie"

"Alright babe, I hope to see you again in life I want you to take care of yourself, can you promise me that?"

"I can't keep a promise but I'll try"I tease

"Diana I'm serious"

"Okay okay now go away before I break down and tell the other boys that I'll miss them and love them to death"I begin to walk away slowly

"Even Zayn?"He asks

Even Zayn, even Zayn, even Zayn. No I can't.

"No don't tell him anything, just the others"

"Okay bye Di"Harry waves at me and jogs down the street leaving me to walk the opposite.

I know who I'm going to and I shouldn't but I have no choice I need a place to stay. I don't have money or anything to rent a place, I mean I did but it's back at Harry's along with the letters that mean nothing to me now. I thought everything would go how the way I planned it in my head of mine. But Zayn turned on me and started caring for me, and now the other boys recently, this was all too much and already giving me a headache. I walk more and more down the streets of London until I reach a familiar street in the down town of London. I walk down more until I find the house I'm looking for, once I spot it I walk up the lawn and up to the door. Before I knocked on the door I inhaled lightly and thought if I go back here this is where I'm staying for good. I knocked the door and a figure opened the door, I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Diana what are you doing here?"He asks

"I need a place to stay, I'll explain everything if you let me stay please, I'm sorry"

"No, come in you know this is always gonna be your home, what happened to Zayn?"He allows me to enter the house and closes it behind him.

"He's gone, the boys left me"I say sitting down on the couch

"Were still here for you"He comforts me

"Thanks Calum"

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Ahhhh hi!!

Omg you guys are some awesome burritos!! thanks so much for the reads and votes! my oh my! And sorry for this short update! next chapter is gonna be long!

So what do you think? Zayn and the boy's are officially gone :'( *le sobs*

But hey you may never know they may appear in chapters long ahead! And yes there gonna be out of some chappies coming up!

Okay okay enough of my spoilness of the story!

Next Chappie: 5 votes and some comments please! :)


P.S Please check out my other Fanfic "Psycho" a Harry Styles Fanfic! I'm looking forward for that one! :)

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