Chapter Twenty

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Once we entered the huge mansion, people were swinging their bodies to the music and jumping along. Drinks were being passed around and couples making out almost in every corner, Zayn squeezed my hand tighter as a group of guy's were eyeing me and Julissa, I smiled to myself as I saw Harry pull Julissa closer to him, I honestly think they would make a cute couple. I giggle lightly and pull a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"What are you giggling about?"Zayn whispers into my ear, loud enough to cause shivers go down my spine.

I looked up at him and shook my head, as we continued to walk further and up the stairs to were it got quite. Before we could walk any further, Zayn and Harry both stopped and looked at each other then back to us.

"Can you girls please stay put here, well be back we just gotta talk to my cousin's friend"Harry said as Zayn nodded

"Yeah"Zayn spoke

"Alright"Me and Julissa said in unison.

We watched the boys walk more towards down the hall and into a room and disappeared. Julissa looked at me as I looked back at her, she smiled and nudged my arm.

"What?"I smile

"Lets go explore downstairs"She smirks

"But they said to stay put here"

"Gosh Diana have fun, let them find us, show them that your not so innocent after all"Julissa tugged on my arm as we walked back down the stairs.

Once we got back down stairs Julissa smirked at me once again and handed a drink to me, when did she get that?


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Authors Note!!

I'm so sorry this is a super short, not barely a chapter. But my WiFi is going off and on and I'm at my cousins taking all her WiFi!! lol

Sorry guys again I'll update once I'm back home tomorrow!! Mkay Ciao!

Next real Chappie:

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