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"Nnngh..." You groan as the screaming of your obnoxious alarm clock awoke you. "Damn..." You curse and hit your alarm clock repeatedly until it shut up. You sit up grumbling and rub the sleep out of your eyes. It was 5:00 AM. Time to get ready for work... You stood up and stretched your arms out, slowly sliding your shirt off. You struggled with the tie on your shorts, pushing them down after fumbling with it for a few minutes.

You put your uniform on and finished getting ready. Hair up in a med-high pony tail and light makeup. You looked in the mirror and nodded. "Fighting." You said before forcing a smile. You walked to your kitchen and ate a thing of fruit before grabbing your belt with your hand gun and other fancy cop tools.

You grabbed your purse and coat before walking outside. You shivered as your fingers touched the cold helmet that hung off the handle of your motorcycle, putting it over your head. You sat on the freezing cold leather seat and squeaked softly. "Fucking hate winter..." You whispered as you drove off.


When you entered the office, your boss grabbed you by the shoulder with his giant rough hands. "Heyyy (Y/n) Good to see you here bright and early." You gulp and stand up straight.

"Y-yeah, um-I set my alarm this time." You laugh nervously. He laughed and patted your back before walking off. You sigh in relief and held your hand to your heart. You looked straight ahead and instantly regret it. You looked away and bit your lip, walking passed a tall, annoyingly handsome guy.

Jungkook smirked as he made eye contact with you. "Ahh, early today huh? That's a first." He LOVED to fuck with you. You huffed and stomped your foot down, crossing your arms and looking back at him. He chuckled and looked down at you.

"Yah, I don't need your shit today." You said sternly. He took a step closer, but you just stepped back. He smirked and walked off, waving. You growled and walked to your office angrily. You sat down in your chair, kicking your feet.

You heard a giggled behind you before you saw a cup of coffee on your desk. "Jungkook?" A girl asked. You instantly perked up when you saw the cup. You nodded and looked back.

"Taeyong, why am I stuck working with him? It's torture." You hugged your best friend tightly, making her laugh. She pat your head before hugging back.


About 2 hours into work, your boss came in with a paper with an address and a very serious look. "Gear up and get in your group. We found him." He said. Your eyes went wide and you stood up.

"Taeyong." You looked back, and she was already gearing up. You got ready and ran outside, meeting up with the other two people who were in your group. Taeyong's brother, Taemin, and regrettably, Jungkook. "So-" You started, but Taeyong cut you off.

"I wanna drive." She said calmly.

"No, you'll kill us all" Taemin said as he set a hand on her shoulder.

"I want to drive." She repeated.
You sigh and held your hands up defensively.

"All right you drive. I'm taking my motorcycle there anywa-"

"No way, come with us." Taeyong whined. You smiled softly and pinched her cheek.

"You know I like to ride alone." You said before starting to walk off.

"(Y/n), it's cold. Just come with us." Jungkook said with a low, caring tone.  You shake your head, biting your lip, and walked again, waving to them.

"See ya there." You said and got on your motorcycle. Jungkook scoffed and watched you, biting his lip. You start the engine before putting your helmet on and leaving. Jungkook huffed and got in the back seat on the left side.

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