Separate (Smut)

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Today was your first day back at work. 5 weeks after the incident. You were feeling much better, and you were almost completely healed. You still occasionally had nightmares, and you were scared to be alone, but you were so much better, all thanks to Jungkook.

The only thing you really had to worry about now, was the fact that your boss found out about your relationship when he saw Jungkook flipping out about you going missing, and he was going to talk to you today. You were scared, that you might have to be separated. That he might be deported to a different city, state, or even country.

You held Jungkook's hand tightly as you walked in. Jungkook squeezed and breathed out. "(Y/n), I won't let anything happen ok? I won't be separated from you."


"You know the rules." The boss walked back and forth in front of you. "I can't let you both stay." He said. Jungkook was about to speak up, but the boss held his hand out to stop him. "But-you're both valuable to us." He said. You sighed in relief and hugged Jungkook. Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "4 months. I'll send you away for 4 months as punishment. Then you can come back. Just, keep your relationship private then." He said with a small smile as he pointed at Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed out and hugged you tight. "4 months. It'll go by fast." He muttered in your hair. You whimpered softly and nod.

"Pack your stuff by tomorrow afternoon." Your boss said before dismissing you from his office.


You sat on Jungkook's bed as you sadly watched him pack the things he'd need. You looked at your lap as you fiddled your fingers, biting your lip. You wore one of Jungkook's shirts, and your light blue laced panties that were covered by the large shirt.

He packed clothes, gear, personal hygiene stuff, etc. He walked over to you when he saw how sad you looked. He smiled slightly and tilted your head up. He grabbed your hand and put something in it before closing your fingers around it.

You looked down and slowly opened your hand and your eyes went wide, your lips parting slightly. You quickly looked up at him. He kissed you quickly. "It's a promise ring." He muttered. He then looked in your eyes and grabbed the simple silver ring, sliding it on your finger. You breathed out and bit your lip. You felt so happy, but so sad that he was leaving.

"Jungkookie." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck. He chuckled and held you close before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a matching, bigger ring. He put it on his finger and smiled. You giggled softly and pulled him into a deep kiss.

He kissed back and slowly laid you back on the bed, crawling over you and never breaking the kiss. He bit your bottom lip gently before pushing his tongue in your mouth. You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer. He explored your mouth with his tongue and slowly ran a hand up your stomach.

You moaned quietly as he cupped your breast. He made out with you hotly. He pulled away and looked in your eyes as he gently squeezed. You breathed a moan and grip his shirt on his upper back. He gulped and closed his eyes, biting his lip.

"We have to stop now, before I can't stop myself." He whispered and started sitting up. You gasped quietly and quickly grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him down.

"No." You whispered. His lips parted slightly.


"I want to do it." You bit your lip. "I think I'm ready..." You cupped his cheeks. He looked into your eyes thinking for a bit.

"If I hurt you, you tell me." He said sternly. You nodded with a smile. He kissed your lips once more before kissing down your neck. You ran your fingers through his hair as he sucked on your sensitive skin. You let out quiet moans and occasionally tugged at his hair. He moved his hands to the hem of your shirt and lifted your shirt over your head, tossing it to the side.

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