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That kiss you shared with that man made Jungkook angry. He could hear the kiss through the chip in his ear. He almost yelled at you through the chip when he heard you call him handsome. He broke his water glass and yelled at the bartender to get him another one. He saw his hands touching your body, and he hasn't wanted to kill someone so bad. He wanted those hands to be his own hands. He wanted to be the one to touch and kiss you like that.

'What the fuck is his deal? I'll kill him!' Jungkook thought as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to contain his anger. Girls came up to him to ask him for a dance, but he just ignored them or showed them his badge, which they'd either get scared about and walk away or they'd get more attached.

His eyes got wide when he saw the gun against your stomach. He was ready to jump, but that could put you in more danger. He listened in closely. "(Y/n). Go outside with him, I'll meet you out there with backup." He muttered. You heard Jungkook and sighed out, looking away to think about it.

"Alright, lead the way." You said with a fake smile. You stood up, and the man put his gun back in his pocket before leading you out of the building. You glanced at Jungkook when you left the building with the man. Jungkook was on it right away. No FUCKING WAY was he letting you go home with him. He called in for backup and started heading out the back door.

You walked behind the man who led you to his car. As soon as he was close enough, you pushed his body to the car and grabbed his arms. You held him to the car and leaned in. "You're under arrest." You said in his ear. He smirked and looked over at you, struggling to get out of your strong, manly grip.

"Of course, the hot ones are always cops." He said dramatically. "What the hell? You're so strong." He groaned. Suddenly there were tons of cops surrounding you, guns all aiming at the guy. Jungkook came up behind him and handcuffed him. You saw the fire in Jungkook's eyes. He looked so mad, and he was being more forceful and mean than usual.

As soon as he pushed him in the back of a cop car and slammed the door, he turned towards you. He was biting the inside of his cheeks. He held his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

"W-what?" You jumped a bit. He scoffed and pointed to the car you came in.

"Get in." He got in the drivers seat and bit his lip. You slowly got in the passengers seat, nervous. You winced when he raised his voice at you. "You kissed him?!" He looked at you, seeing that you were shaking.

"I just... Did what I could... I just, leaned in. He kissed me. I just wanted to catch him, I didn't want to make you mad..." You said quietly. You looked out the window and bit your lip. "You're so mean..." You whispered and sat as close as you could to the window, holding back tears. He sighed out sadly.

He started to calm down. He reached over and put a hand on your cheek. "I'm sorry..." He muttered. You sniffled and wiped your teary eyes. He kissed your head before starting the car. You drove to the office in silence. He would occasionally look over at you. "(Y/n)... Are you ok?" He parked the car and grabbed your hand. "You're still shaking."

"I'm ok... I was just scared." You faked a smile. He bit his lip and grabbed your hand. You weren't just scared from being threatened with a gun. You were scared of Jungkook, and he could sense that. He felt awful for yelling at you.

"Let's get this over with." He gave a smile. You nodded and squeezed his hand gently before getting out of the car.


It was a long night. You were out until midnight, and when you got home you took a long shower. You washed out your mouth because you didn't want those kissing germs on your lips anymore. Who knows who else that guy has kissed.

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