Try Again

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You sat in the seat by the window on the airplane, excited to finally go home with Jungkook. He sat next to you and intertwined his fingers with yours, kissing your cheek before turning your head towards him and kissing your lips. You kissed back happily and giggled.

"Jagi, thank you for staying by my side." He whispered against your lips.

"Awww you're so cute Kookie." You pinched his cheeks. "I love you, of course I'll stay by you." You said with a smile. He chuckled and kissed you again.

The whole plane ride was boring. You'd try to talk to Kookie or mess with him but he was too tired, and he kept sleeping. But you couldn't sleep on planes. "Yahhhhh Jungkookie..." You blew in his ear, making him shake his head and groan. You giggled at this cuteness and blew hot air on his neck.

He whined and stirred a bit, gently pushing your face away. You giggled and then moved the armrest that separated you. You laid your head on his chest, and his arms slowly made their way around you.


Jungkook yawned as he stepped off the plane with you. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and held your bag over his shoulder while rolling his suitcase with his free hand. You tried to take his suitcase but he wouldn't let you. You sighed and pinched his hip as you walked out of the airport with him.

You got home after a few hours, an Jungkook plopped on your couch, passing out immediately. You smiled and cleaned up before going to get him. "Jungkook, let's go lay down." You grabbed his hand. He slowly stood and let you lead him to the bedroom. He lazily changed, and you ended up helping him. "Jungkook, that's inside out."

You took his shirt off and flipped it so it wasn't inside out before helping him put it back on. He stumbled a bit and put his hand on the wall to stay up. You smiled and grabbed his hands, laying him on the bed. He was out instantly once again. You tucked him in and crawled next to him.

"Goodnight cutie." You whispered as you kissed his head and put a hand on your stomach. You soon fell asleep next to him.


You were a little over 5 months pregnant, and Jungkook has been supporting you 100%. He dealt with your mood swings and he knew how to calm you when you got mad or sad. He helped you stand, he brought you stuff so you didn't have to stand, and he made sure you were always comfortable.

He'd always check on you at work. He tried not to take so many cases so he wouldn't be away from you. Plus, you always worried about him. If he got shot again, would he be as lucky as before?

You worked hard. You stayed up late to work on papers, and you cleaned the house and cooked every meal. Jungkook has offered to take over chores and cooking but you refused. He's already doing so much! But, with all this work building up, and your stress, you started to get sick.

Every time Jungkook asked what was wrong, you'd just tell him your stomach was hurting a bit, and that it was normal to feel this. But, as time passed you got worse. You got light headed easily and your vision would get blurry often. You felt nauseous suddenly and you'd have to lay down. You tried to keep it on the low though, so Jungkook wouldn't find out.

"Jagi, I can clean the dishes, go lay down." Jungkook said with a slight smile as he walked behind you. He grabbed your hips gently and you gripped the counter as another dizzy spell hit you. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously. "(Y/n)?" He asked.

You breathed out and started feeling weaker. "No, it's fine." You said with a fake smile. But then you felt nauseous. You turned the water off and gripped the counter again tightly. Your knees shook and Jungkook seemed to notice. He caught you right as you collapsed. His eyes went wide and his breath got shaky. He slowly got on his knees and laid you down gently as he reached in his pocket for his phone.

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