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Louis Tomlinson. He was one of the nicest, most well known males in the village. He would do anything to protect someone he cared for, or even for a stranger that he had met on the street. But one day, there was a storm, a mighty snow storm. His sister, along with a bunch of other ladies from the village, went out to pick berries on that day. All of the other women had already arrived to their homes and were nice and toasty. All except for Felicity, Louis's second oldest younger sister.

"Louis, please dear, go find your sister?" Louis's mum asked him as they were waiting anxiously for Felicity's arrival back home. The storm was coming closer and it would be there within an hour.

Louis nodded, kissed his mum's cheek, and ran out of their small house in his winter's coat to find his missing sibling. He ran out to where the berry bushes were and spotted his sister down the hill. "Felicity!" He yelled at her through the rough wintery winds. "Come on! The snow storm is coming! We have to get home!" He yelled to her. He could see her carrying something, but he couldn't make out what it was.

"Lou!" She smiled at him as she jogged towards him with a baby lamb in her hands. "She doesn't have her mum." She told him. Louis sighed and put his hand on her back. "Fizz. Go home!" He yelled through the winds, that just picked up. Sighing, Felicity agreed and cuddled closely to the baby lamb as they began their long journey back home.

About half way from the berry bushes to their house, Louis heard someone, or something, growl and crunch the sticks and icy snow that had already fallen on the ground. He turned around, looking for the animal that made the noises. A bear. It was a bear. "Fizz, run home." He whispered to his sister as he reached down to the snow, making a snow ball. Felicity didn't question him and began running home with the lamb in her hands, that was when the bear attracted Louis.

By the time Felicity made it to the village to tell what had happened, the snow storm had already picked up, making it too dangerous for anyone to search for the missing boy. Leaving the dying boy, with ripped clothes and bleeding onto the white snow, the bear ran off to find warmth in its own cave. The final time Louis closed his eyes and took his last breath, he though of how he saved his sister. His eyelashes and hair frozen over and his blood freezing to his body.

When it was safe for a search party to search for the missing boy, it had been well over a week since his disappearance and death. The searchers searched for days before they found his body, frozen solid,bloody and scarred.

Louis watched as the men picked his frozen solid body up from the ground. It wasn't nearly as snowy that day and easy to move to dead boy back to the village so he could be properly buried alongside his already deceased family members.

The day of Louis's death was his last, and only, memory of being alive. He didn't remember his birthday, his other sisters's or brothers's, if he had any, names. He couldn't remember his family's nor his friends's names. Nothing. Only his death and saving his little sister's life.

And from that day on, the young boy was no longer known as 'Louis Tomlinson', no, he was known as 'Jack Frost', controller and master of winter.

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