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Harry sat down at the old, wooden table that was placed in the living room/dining room/kitchen area. He looked out the old window, looking for his new friend who was no where to be seen. Louis left a little while ago to go hunt for Harry some actual food once he was finished with his soup. Louis was an okay cook, the soup was good and Harry was absolutely starved. So Harry just sat in the old wooden chair that Louis had said that he and his father once made for his mother.

Harry became bored of waiting and he was slightly cold, so he carefully stood up and walked to the fireplace, adding another piece of wood into and watched it catch fire and warm the area. It felt nice. Harry liked the warmth of the fire place, but he wished that his cold friend would soon return. He was getting lonely and quite bored. He stood up from the floor where he was squatted and looked around. He saw a string coming from the ceiling that most likely connected to the attic door. 

Harry climbed up the old ladder when it fell down some. He looked up into the attic and noticed that it was really dark up there and he couldn't see a single thing, So, he climbed down and looked in the living area for some candles and a match or two. He found some candles in a box beside the couch and found a lighter in the box. 

Lighting the candle, Harry made his journey back up the old ladder and into the attic. It was still dark, but he could see some things with the candle light. Slowly walking, Harry moved over to the side of the attic wall and looked at the old bed frame and mattress that was there. He didn't see a bed like this down in the rooms, so he looked it over. He read some of the old writing that was carved into the side and gasped at what it said.


Louis walked around the forest, looking for a deer to kill. He hasn't hunted in so long and he was lucky that he even remembered how to use a bow and arrow. But he was determined to find Harry some food. He was determined to keep Harry safe and fed and healthy. That's all that he was worried about at the moment. 

He created some more snow, so the deer would hopefully come out to play like they normally did. He smiled widely when he saw a fawn skipping around, playing with a bunny rabbit and a skunk. Louis pulled his bow back and shot the deer in the heart, killing it instantly. He quickly put another arrow on the bow and shot it at the rabbit, killing it as well. Louis smiled and walked carefully over to the dead animals, and picked the two animals up. 

Louis walked away from the area and hung the deer up on a tree that wasn't too far from the cabin that he and Harry were staying in. He pulled out an old knife that he had found in the kitchen and cut the fawn open, letting its guts and blood spill out before he began to skin the deer. He did the same to the rabbit and drug the two skin and organ less animals back to the house and to the back shed where he remembered that he used to butcher the animals for his family.

Louis found an old box that he could keep the meat frozen in and put most of the meat in it, leaving enough out so he could attempt to cook for his new friend. Louis walked in the house and smiled when he saw Harry sitting at the table, reading one of Louis's old books. 

Louis sat the meat on the counter and looked in the cabinets for something to cook in. Harry got up and chuckled as he pulled out a pan and sat it on the wood stove. Harry then walked to the fire place and grabbed some logs from the side and brought them to the stove so he could cook the deer. Cooking and baking were Harry's all time favorite things to do. He was determined to cook whether he was with Louis or with his 'family'.

I know that it is short, but its something.. My wrists still hurt, so i won't update anything else.. Sorry. Um.... The more votes, comments and reads, the faster I will update.... <3 Thank you for reading, you are truly amazing. :) btw, I didn't read over this so there might be grammar and spelling errors.

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