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Here is this update! :)

Harry frowned and looked up at his friend, he wished that they were more though. Louis was amazing. He was so nice and sweet, but Harry didn't even know that Louis would even be partially interested in him. "No, Lou.. I'm missing.. My parents reported me missing." He explained. Harry couldn't believe that his parents would report him as a missing person. They never cared. So why would they start now? Harry just wanted to be left alone and they wouldn't even allow that. They would threaten to kill him at any moment and belittle and beat him and rape him, but now they miss and love him? Something wasn't right. 

"Why would they do that?" The curious little teen of winter asked. Louis didn't understand why Harry's parents would report him as missing. Harry has said nothing but bad things that they have done to him. 

"I don't know.." Harry simply replied as he pushed his food around some more with his fork. The only reason why those people would report Harry as missing is if someone from the school noticed or they missed beating and raping Harry. That was all Harry could think of. Those were the only logical reasons that Harry could bring to his mind. 

"You need to eat.." Louis told Harry, breaking Harry out of his train of thought. Harry looked up at Louis and furrowed his eyebrows. The other lad already finished his food and washed his plate. 

"Oh.." Harry whispered as he looked back down at his plate. He wasn't hungry. Not in the slightest. He wasn't aware of anything that had just happened. He never noticed that Louis finished eating. He didn't notice Louis getting up. He didn't notice Louis washing the dishes. And he didn't notice Louis putting the other things away or anything. 

"Harry, eat." Louis softly demanded the teenager as he sat back down in the seat in front of Harry. Harry sighed and stabbed a piece of the meat on his plate. He wasn't hungry. Not at all. The thought of food really did make him sick, but he would eat for Louis, just because Louis had asked him to.  Louis was letting Harry stay in his home. The least that harry could do was eat for the immortal boy.

"I'm eating.." Harry mumbled as he slowly chewed on the food. 


"Louis?" Harry whispered as he laid in the bed beside his friend, Louis on top of the covers and Harry underneath them. 

"Yeah?" Louis whispered. It was way past midnight and Harry couldn't sleep. Louis he could go forever without sleeping if he wanted to, but he, like any teenager, loved his sleep.

"Are we friends?" Harry asked, looking over at the older lad. Harry and Louis have had this conversation so many times, but Harry just wanted to be sure that he and Louis were still friends. Harry didn't have many friends growing up. He had people who pretended to be his friend, but they really weren't. Harry has been bullied and abused for so long that all of this seemed weird. Louis being nice and caring and not abusive seemed so strange to Harry.

"Of course we are friends!" Louis happily exclaimed. Louis, like Harry, hasn't had friends in a long, long time. He's been all alone for years. He now had a friend who he liked. He really, really liked Harry. "We're best friends!" Louis told Harry, missing the frown on Harry's face.

Harry was glad that he had a friend, but he wished that Louis would see him as more than a friend. Harry liked Louis and he didn't think that Louis would ever like him.

"You like him?" Harry's uncle asked as he pushed Harry against the wall. This was an everyday thing for Harry. Some one in his family would hurt him. But this was different. He was normally just yelled at and had his feelings hurt, this physically hurt. 

"Yeah.." Harry whispered before his head was pushed into the wall again. He didn't understand what was going on. This guy, his uncle, was the only one who would ever defended him. This was the only person who stood up for Harry. 

"I will not have any child in my family a fag!" The man spat as Harry's mother walked in the room.

"John, what are you doing?" She asked, it was obvious that she really didn't care. 

"This fag," John began, bringing his hand to Harry's neck and shoving him into the wall once more, "has a crush on some boy!" He exclaimed, pressing his hand harder into Harry's throat. Harry had thought that of all people, his favorite uncle would be okay with him liking a boy. But Harry was wrong. Dead wrong. His uncle was pissed and Harry didn't know why. His uncle watched gay porn, Harry would know, he's walked in on his uncle beating his meat to some boy being fucked by some older man. Not that his uncle knew, of course.

"Oh." Was all Harry's mother had to say. Just 'oh'. She walked away, looking down at the mail that she was holding.

"Please, I can't breath.." Harry whispered as the grip around his neck tightened. Harry was losing the oxygen that he desperately needed and his uncle wasn't letting lose any.

Soon, Harry was dropped on the floor, gasping for air, but his mouth was soon filled with his uncle's cock. 

"You like dicks, fag?" He asked, holding Harry's head so Harry wouldn't move. And again, Harry couldn't move. He couldn't breath. He felt like he was going to die.

Harry wasn't able to speak, of course, but he did cry as his uncle began to thrust into his throat, making Harry gag repeatedly around the older man's member. Harry was getting raped in his own house! His own uncle was forcing himself in Harry. He was forcing Harry to do a sexual act that Harry wanted no part in.

"Suck it like you mean it. This is what you like. You like dicks. You are a cock sucker. This is what faggot cock suckers do." The man told Harry as he thrust in Harry's throat, moaning at the tightness. 

Harry sobbed around his uncle. He could feel himself start to go. Soon, everything turned black. The last thing Harry heard was his uncle saying that he doesn't deserve any love. He doesn't deserve friends. And Harry believed him. 

When Harry finally woke up, he was on the living room floor where his uncle had left him. He had cum on his chin and some cum was on the floor, a stain no doubt. Harry's throat hurt like hell and he didn't understand why any of this was happening to him. But his uncle's words stuck in his head. "You don't deserve friends. Faggots like you don't deserve love. You will die alone. Worthless piece of shit. Burn in hell."

Soooooo,....... I updated. :) Hope you like it.. and sorry about that crappy little flash back thing.. :/ Please vote, comment, fan, and tell people!

And when you comment, please do more than 'Update.' or 'Does this count as a comment?'

I love that you guys are reading and want updates, but I'd prefer you telling me what you like and don't like about something and I'd like for your opinions on what should happen next or something like that.

BTW, all I did was spell check, kind of. So if I have any mistakes in any way, whether it be the grammar or I messed something up and didn't go with what the rest of this story has, please tell me. :)


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