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This chapter is dedicated to @Lotte_xx for answering my joke, that was posted in the author's not in My Harry, correctly. :) And I was going to update this sooner, but I had an essay to write (but I forgot to write it..oops..). So, I'm writing now.. Sorry again for the wait.. :) And thank you for reading, voting and commenting. It feels good to know that I'm not writing this for myself. You guys/girls are amazing.. :)

Days turned into weeks and the two boys couldn't have been happier. Louis let Harry go with him and play as he created more snow. Louis learned that Harry was a big child at heart and that made the older boy's crush grow even more. Harry still hasn't figured out that Louis liked liked him, and Louis was hoping that he never would. He wanted it to stay a secret because he believed that Harry would never like him like Louis liked him. It was sad, really. The blue eyed boy had never felt this way towards anyone.. ever. He was scared. Scared of rejection. Scared of falling for someone who he wouldn't be able to spend forever with. Scared of not knowing what to do or how to do it. He was centuries older than Harry. Centuries. He was so much older. Harry wouldn't like someone as old as Louis. Thats how Louis felt and he hated that he was getting his hopes up that Harry just might like him back. 

Louis still did everything he could for Harry though. He went and killed another rabbit and went to find some berries or something so Harry could have something other than meat and water in his diet. Louis could eat anything or nothing, it wouldn't bother him either way. But Harry wasn't immortal. Harry would die if he didn't eat and he needed more than meat. He needed fruits and vegetables and starch and things like that. Harry mentioned that he would just walk to the nearest town and buy some, but Louis sadly had to remind him that they had no money and that the nearest town was ten miles or so away. So they agreed that they would just make a garden in the spring and preserve the fruits and vegetables. But now, at this moment, Louis was in town, doing something that he never wanted to do; he was going to steal Harry some food. Harry needed bread, vegetables, fruit and things like that. And Louis had figured out a way that he could get the items without having to make them look as if they were floating.

Louis figured out a way to where he could make himself visible for about ten minutes. So everyone could see him. It weakened is powers some and it made him tired, but he was going to do it for Harry. Quickly, Louis became visible and ran into town. People were staring at him because of what he was wearing, but Louis didn't care one single bit. He ran into a gas station and grabbed some bread and some bananas. He didn't know what a lot of things were in this place. He really hasn't been in town any so he didn't know what anything was. It was strange and everything was different from what he was used to. Like soda, what was that? He had no idea. And Payday? Hersey's? What were those? Never in his life has he seen anything like those.

Louis looked around the station and saw that no one was looking, so he made his move and ran. He ran out of the station and down the road. He could feel his powers fade and he knew that he needed to hurry back to the woods before he disappeared again. He knew that what he had done was wrong, so very wrong, but he didn't care. All he knew was that Harry needed this. This was for Harry. This was for the boy who he was crushing on and falling for. He would pay them back though. He would do something to pay them back. Maybe he would give them a beautiful, white Christmas? Christmas was coming soon. A week or so. 

When Louis made it to the woods, he sighed tiredly and returned to his natural, invisible state. He sighed as he closed his eyes and went straight to his and Harry's house. He liked that. He liked calling it his and Harry's house. Louis took a deep breath and walked inside with the bread and bananas. He didn't know how this place could have had bananas in the winter time. He didn't know, but he got them for Harry because Harry had once said that he loved bananas. "Harry!" He called as he walked into the house. He sat the bread and bananas on the kitchen table and walked in to see Harry sitting by the fire in the living room. He smiled tiredly and sat down next to Harry, cuddling into Harry's side. "I'm back.." He mumbled, yawning tiredly. 

"Why are you tired, Boo?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arm around Louis's waist and held him closer. Louis was never really tired. He slept, but he wasn't tired. "Just.. am?" Louis mumbled as he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the confused young teen's arms.

Harry looked down at Louis and frowned. He didn't know why Louis was so tired or why he had just fallen asleep like that. It confused him, but he let it go until he laid Harry had gone to the kitchen to fix supper. He saw the bananas and bread and his eyes widened. "Louis!" He yelled. He didn't know how Louis had managed to get bread and bananas. The only place that he could have gotten things like that was if he was in town. So Harry figured that the bread and bananas had something to do with Louis being tired and looking drained.

Sorry it took so long, I haven't been myself lately.. and I apologize for not writing. I'm on Christmas break now so I hope I'll be able to write more.. And I'm sorry that this was short.. Please just bare with me with all of this.. I've never really done something like this and finished it completely.. So I need inspiration and it may take a while, so please don't give up on me. Remember to vote, comment, and fan.. The more votes and comments, the quicker I'll update and stuff. Love you all :) <3

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