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Louis fell asleep in the tree like he almost always did when he was in the area. When he woke up, the sun was just about to rise and he knew that he had to put the frost out. With a wave of his hand, Louis let the frost fly gracefully and land on the grass, trees, buildings, everything. This was one of his favorite parts of his 'job'. He loved the snow. He loved how it made him feel. Happy. He was always happy when it snowed and now he controlled every aspect of winter.

A little while later, as he was drawing little figures in the frost that was on a tree, Louis saw his curly headed friend walk into the wooded area and he smiled. "Harry!" He greeted his friend. Harry looked up and smiled widely at Louis, waving his freezing hand. Harry was glad that Louis wasn't apart of his imagination. 

Limping, Harry made his way to Louis and slowly sat down beside the tree that Louis was on. That concerned Louis. His friend shouldn't be limping and wincing like he was. Louis jumped down from the tree branch and sat beside Harry. "You okay?" He asked.

Harry shook his head. There was no use in lying to Louis. Harry didn't want to lose his only friend. "Woke up sore.." He mumbled. Louis nodded and leaned in closer to Harry, then noticing all of his bruises and scars that were fresh looking.

Louis gasped and ran his fingers over some of the cuts. "Harry.." He whispered, nearly crying on the spot. Someone had hurt his friend. Someone had hurt his only friend and Louis did not like that one bit. "Who did this?" He asked, trying to stay calm but the nasty snow storm that was coming proved that he was anything but calm.

Harry sighed and leaned back against the tree as he wrapped his arms around him tightly. "I don't remember.. I don't know.." He mumbled as he shivered. He just wanted to stay warm and Louis realized that he was the reason that his new friend was cold. "Sorry.." Louis mumbled as he stopped the upcoming storm and the harsh winds. 

Louis didn't want his only friend to go back to a place where he was being treated this badly. He had to save his friend no matter what. "Harry.. Why don't you move out?" He quietly suggested. Harry gave him a look that told Louis that he already knew why. "No money. No place to go." Harry shrugged and closed his eyes. He was tired. Even though he slept the previous night, the curly headed boy was knackered. 

Louis sighed, thinking of ways that he could help his friend as he pulled Harry close to himself so the younger boy wouldn't be as cold, hopefully. The more Louis thought, the less he came up with. No one could see him, so he couldn't go out and get a real job. Even if they could see him, no one would hire him. He had no idea what the real world was like. Then an idea came to his mind as he heard his green eyed friend snore lightly in his arms.

When Harry woke up, he was beyond frightened. He wasn't in his room nor was he in his house. Instead, he was in a nice, cozy bed under thick comforters. Harry sighed. He wanted to get up and go find out where he was and why he was there, but he couldn't. He was too cozy and comfortable where he was. So he just laid there, hoping that someone would come in and tell him what was wrong.

An hour or so later, Harry heard the front door open and some steps coming near the bedroom door. Harry freaked out internally and hid under the covers in attempt to make whoever it was believe that he was still asleep so they would leave him be.

"You're still asleep?" A fimilar voice said as he moved closer to the bed. Harry felt the bed dip a little and heard a sigh. "You've been asleep for hours.." Louis mumbled and moved the cover back off of Harry's face, causing Harry to snap his eyes shut. "Please wake up soon.. I made you some soup.. I hope you will like it." He mumbled and kissed Harry's forehead, causing the younger of the two to smile and blush and the older to gasp and playfully hit Harry's shoulder gently, not wanting to hurt Harry.

Harry sat up in the bed and pulled Louis closer so they could cuddle. "Where am I?" He asked as Louis let out a few giggles, that he hated with a passion but Harry secretly loved them. 

"You, my dear friend, are in my family's home." He told Harry with a wide smile on his face. The room that they were currently in was his parents's old room. The house was a wooden house, built by hand of course. It was rather large for a house for it's time. It was three bedrooms and had a kitchen/living space/dining room and had recently gotten newer apliances and an indoor bathroom built onto it by a family that owned the cabin in the 80's. Other than the bathroom and the new apliances, everything was exactly the same as it was when he lived in it, that he could remember. The pictures were in the small attic and would most likely be brought down, and the old hand made furniture that was built by Louis and his father before they both passed was still laying around the house looking just like they did when they were first made.

Harry sat up straighter and looked around the room. "Really? This is so cool." He whispered as he slowly got up, then noticing that he wasn't in his clothes but he was in someone else's. He shrugged it off and just assumed that they were Louis's old clothes or something like that. "How did we get here?" He asked as he ran his hand over a rocking chair that had Louis's name and his father's name carved into the wood next to the date they made it.

Louis shrugged and stood up as well. "I just kinda wanted to be here, wished for it y'know? And then I was here. We were here. Here we are!" He cheered and walked over to Harry, resting his hand on Harry's as Harry traced over his name.

Because of the votes, comments, and fans on here and the reads and votes on archiveofourown, I decided to update. :) I might update tomorrow if I get some feedback. Only if I get feedback. And I'll update another story of your choice if you want me to and if I have the time. I recently hurt my wrists and it hurts to type.. So I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. I wrote it in a hurry and I really didn't read over it. Love you guys. Remember to vote and comment. 

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