Chapter 10.

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Harry woke up in a cold sweat, and his frosty friend beside him, looking scared and confused. Harry hated having those dreams and nightmares. He thought that the dreams, nightmares really, would have stopped. He hasn't had them in so long. Not since he and Louis began to move into Louis' old house.

"Harry?" Louis whispered. "Are you okay?" Louis asked. Louis had woken up to Harry screaming and yelling. It scared the older of the two. Louis didn't know what was going on. It scared him to see Harry so scared. Louis didn't know what was going on or if Harry was okay.

Nodding, Harry placed his hand over his heart and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. Stupid memories. Harry hated them. And he would never tell his only friend about his memories or his dreams or his past, no more than he already has. Harry didn't want Louis to worry about him. Harry has managed for so long, he would be okay."I'm fine, Lou. Promise." Harry whispered as he slowly opened his eyes so he could look at his friend.

Louis just nodded and looked into Harry's eyes. He could tell that Harry was lying. He could tell that something happened, but he wasn't going to say anything. He didn't want to start something with Harry. Louis didn't want to lose the only friend he had.

"Just a bad dream." Harry whispered. "Don't wanna talk about it." He added. 

Louis just nodded, moving back down onto the bed so he could cuddle with Harry. Louis liked cuddling with Harry. It warmed Louis' heart, in a good way. Harry made Louis feel good, just like Louis made Harry feel good.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and nuzzled his nose into Louis' neck. He felt safe with Louis. He felt safe in Louis' arms. Maybe this was why he had such a horrible dream? He wasn't in Louis' arms. He didn't feel safe. But now he was. He was safe. "Promise to protect me forever? Promise you won't ever leave me?" Harry whispered into Louis' skin. 

"I promise, Harry. As long as you promise to never leave me and to protect me forever." Louis replied back to Harry as he tightened his grip around Harry's body.

"I promise." Harry whispered.


I know that was short. But the wifi here is messing up and I wanted to update before the wifi messed up again and before I went to lunch. :) I hope you liked it. Tell me if you have any problems or questions. Please vote, comment and fan me. And tell your friends. :) 

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