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Sorry this is horrible and extremely late....

Harry had been living with Louis in Louis's old family home for a while now. It was nice being in this place. Harry had been doing some searching around the house and noticed that it had some solar pannels and all they needed was to be hooked up. Now there was some electricity in the house, which still confused Louis. It was funny, Everytime Harry would turn the light switch on, Louis would laugh and go play with the switch. 

"Louis! Stop playing with the lights!" Harry exclaimed when he noticed that the lights were flickering, again. Louis giggled and flicked them a few more times before he stopped and wlaked over to Harry, laying down on the bed beside him. "Sorry, Harry." Louis whispered, pouting as he moved to pull the human boy into his arms for a cuddle.

Harry sighed and carefully looked up at Louis, not wanting to hit Louis's chin with his head again, that happened once and it left a bruise on the top of Harry's head for weeks. Louis looked down at Harry and smiled. Harry's feelings towards the winter boy had grown a lot in the past few months that he's been with Louis. As did Louis's feelings for Harry.

"I got the televison to work." Harry told Louis. Louis had never seen a television working and Harry finally got the old television set that was found in a storage shed out back to work. It took a while, but it worked. "We can watch tv." Harry told Louis as he moved his body so he was laying on top of Louis. 

"Lets watch it!" Louis told the teen as he helped Harry up and kissed his cheek. Harry laughed and ran to the living room and turned it on. He could only get like, three channels to work though, that sucked. But they could watch the news, some kids's shows, and Maury and the Steve Wilkos Show and shows like that.

"Its been nearly four months since the teen was reported missing. His parents say that they miss him terribly and that they wish for his safe return. The last person to have seen the teen was his sister's boyfriend, Josh. Josh claimed that Harry had been on drugs when he came home and went straight to his room. No one has been charged for his disapearance, and no evidence of the teen has been brought up. So if you do see this boy, or if you have seen this boy, please contact your local police station." A woman on the television stated as a picture of Harry was shown on the screen. 

"Harry! That's you!" Louis exclaimed as he walked into the living room and sat down beside the young boy. Harry just nodded and stared at the television screen that was now showing something about Justin Bieber being arrested for drugs that were found in his private jet or something. "I didn't know that you were famous!" Louis told Harry. Harry had told Louis that famous people were on television, and Harry's face was on the screen, so Louis just assumed that Harry was famous.


"Wow, I'm sitting with a celery!" Louis announced for the forth time as they sat to eat their dinner. He had been mispronouncing the word each and every single time he said it and Harry didn't bother to correct him. Harry was numb. He didn't know what to feel. His parents say that they missed him? But they beat him. And they raped him. They hurt him. Why would they even care that Harry was missing? Did they just miss having their own little punching bag? Harry didn't know, but those thoughts, and similar thoughts, kept swirling through Harry's mind.

"You're like a vegetable!" Louis exclaimed as he slammed his hand down on the table, starteling Harry. 

"It's celebrity, Lou.. Not celery.. And I'm not either one." He whispered as he brought his hand to his fork and picked it up. Harry then began to scoot the piece of deer meat around on his plate. He was so confused at why his family was doing that. He was confused on why they wanted him back home.

"Then why were you on the television?" Louis asked curiously as he moved to sit criss cross in his chair. "I thought that you said that only famous people were on television?" He questioned. It wasn't that Louis was questioning Harry, he was just confused about all of this. This was all new to him.

"I'm missing.." Harry whispered, dropping his fork on his plate and grabbing his glass of water. 

Louis laughed and looked at Harry. "You aren't missing!" He exclaimed. "You're right here!"

Short and crappy.. I know.. But its an update..... Tell me what you think.. Vote and comment as well.. 

and this was not edited at all.. not even spellcheck.. so if theres something wrong, or I didn't use what I previously had in this story, please tell me. :)

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