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Louis winced as Harry yelled and scooted back from the fire. "Yeah?" He called back. He really hoped that Harry wouldn't get mad at him for helping or getting him food that he needed. Harry needed more food than just meat and roots and berries. He needed grains and fruits and stuff like that. Louis could do without foods and water and such, but Harry couldn't. Harry was human. Mortal. He could easily die if he wasn't fed properly and Louis couldn't lose his best friend. He couldn't lose the boy, man, who he had fallen for. And he would do anything to keep Harry alive.

Louis saw Harry walk in the living room with the bananas and bread in his hands. "What is this?" He asked. Louis looked up at him and chuckled weakly as he rolled his eyes. "Bananas and bread." He told the curly headed young boy, who just rolled his eyes and moved to sit down beside Louis on the floor. "How  did you get these?" He asked, his voice soft as he noticed that Louis's face was turning a paler shade of white. Harry didn't like seeing Louis look this sick, just like Louis didn't seeing Harry sick or ill. 

Louis sighed and looked up at Harry. "I went in town and stole them from some weird looking store.." He mumbled as he rolled over to lay his head in Harry's lap. The younger lad sighed and ran his hand through his own hair before he carefully ran his fingers through Louis's hair. "Why? And how?" He asked, not wanting to upset the wintry man. 

Louis looked up at Harry and sighed as he rubbed his face with his cold hands. "You need a variety of food. And I just made myself visible for a few minutes.." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. The younger of the two sighed and carefully rubbed Louis's back. Harry didn't want Louis to do anything dangerous for him. Or at all. It was sweet that Louis had done that, but harry didn't want him to do it again. 

"Just.. Don't do it again, Lou Bear. It's okay if I don't eat a variety of foods.. I normally don't eat a lot anyways." Harry mumbled. Louis sighed and raised up so he could look at the teen who he was previously laying on. "I know, Harry, but I want you to be healthy. I want you to live forever, even if you really can't live forever. I can't... I just can't lose you. You're my best friend." He whispered, seeing a flash of hurt in the younger boy's eyes. But then that dissapeared and Harry smiled. "You won't lose me. Ever." He promised, leaning down to press a kiss on Louis's rose colored cheeks. 

Louis smiled, he was feeling much better and Harry was holding him so carefully. He loved it. He loved how, even though Harry was much younger than he was, Harry still made him feel safe and good. "I really do like you..." He whispered quietly. Harry smiled and placed another kiss to Louis's cheeks, letting his lips linger longer than absolutely necessary, not that Louis would complain or anything. "I really like you too." Harry whispered back to Louis. 

Sorry this is so short.. Like its really short.. And I'm really sorry.... But I did update. :) Please vote and comment and stuff like that, and I'll have a better chapter for you next time.. Can I get at least five votes and three comments? Can we try that? and asking if this comment counts as a comment doesn't count as a comment. I really want your opinion on this story. Tell me what you like and don't like about it and what you think would be cool in it.. Just your honest opinion.. Thank you so very much.. Love you all :) And have a very merry Christmas!

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