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Two days, they have been staying in Louis's family home for two days and Harry loves it. He's gotten to sleep in, cuddle with Louis-Louis is the best cuddler ever, despite his coldness- and he hasn't been beaten, yelled at or raped and it has been absolute heaven for the first time he's ever existed in this world. Right at the moment, Louis was outside making it snow such a beautiful light snow and Harry was in front of the fireplace, keeping warm. Louis didn't want his only friend to be cold or anything. Harry meant too much to the boy made of winter and Harry had to stay warm or Louis wouldn't make it snow anymore for the young teen, and Harry absolutely loved the snow. 

Louis came back in and smiled at his curly headed friend before walking to the kitchen and making some tea for the green eyed boy who was currently sitting in Louis's living room. "Lou?" Harry quietly called as he looked to his left to see Louis. "Yeah?" Louis asked as he stirred the warm liquid. He walked into the living space where Harry was and handed him his tea, getting a thanks from the younger lad. "Do you think anyone is looking for me?" Harry quietly asked as he took a small sip of the tea. Louis sighed and looked down at the floor. He really didn't know if anyone would. He's never met anyone who Harry knows, but by how Harry said that they treated him, he really didn't think that anyone would look for the boy. "I don't know." He answered honestly. 

Harry sighed and took another drink of his tea, loving how the warmth felt as it went down his throat, and nodded his head. He figured that no one would care if he was missing. All he was to everyone was a punching bag and a sex toy. He hated it, but there was nothing he could do about it. He would forever be worthless to the world. Louis noticed Harry's happiness fade and quickly wrapped his arms around the slightly taller boy. He didn't like seeing Harry sad. It made himself sad and when he was sad, the snow storms became even worse than he wanted them to be. That is why there were so many snow storms these past few years, Louis had been sad and lonely.

Harry carefully sat his tea down and wrapped his arms around Louis, nuzzling his head into the crook of Louis's neck. He was happy to have a friend like Louis, but he just knew that one day Louis would leave him just like everyone else and Harry would be forever alone, so he was going to spend as much time as he possibly could with Louis so he could have some good memories. 

Louis kissed the top of Harry's head and rocked them gently, trying to calm the young teen down. "Shh.." Louis whispered when he heard Harry begin to cry, that made Louis's heart ache and the snow to thicken outside. "It's okay.. I'm here for you.." He whispered into Harry's ear. That seemed to calm Harry down some, knowing and hearing that Louis was there and that Louis cared. Harry hardly ever, well he never, had someone to care for him or about him, and that made the teen cry even more, but with happy tears. "Thank you.." Harry whispered to Louis, causing the older of the two to hold onto Harry even tighter so he could feel that he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

Three days after that little incident, Harry and Louis have been even closer. Louis even let Harry go out with him whenever he was going to make the morning frost or give the area a light snow. Louis, of course, made Harry bundle up in many old coats and jackets that were found in the attic, not that Harry minded. He liked how over protective Louis was to him. It made him feel even more loved and cared for. And Harry had been smiling. Smiling so big that his deep dimples showed, and Louis absolutely loved that. He loved how Harry's eyes sparkled. He loved how contagious Harry's laugh was. He loved how cute Harry's giggles and blushes were. He could honestly go on and on about how fond he had grown of this mortal boy withing a week's time. And that scared Louis. He wasn't scared that he might be gay, or bisexual, or whatever, he was scared that he would fall in love with someone who would die and leave him all alone again, or that whoever he falls for doesn't catch him or love him back. He was scared that his newly developed feelings would ruin the friendship that he and Harry had developed over the short time they had gotten to know each other. So, Louis said nothing about his true feelings towards the teen and just did whatever he could to keep Harry happy.

"This is so cool!" Harry gasped as he touched some of the fresh snow that was on the ground. Louis chuckled at Harry as he watched the younger boy lay down on the ground and begin to make a snow angel. "I bet it is." Louis told him as he sat down beside Harry and waved his hand so some snow would fall and hit the younger boy's face. Harry gasped again and sat up, screaming about how unfair Louis was being which only caused Louis to laugh uncontrollably. "Its really not fair, Louis!" Harry exclaimed as he picked up a handful of snow and threw it at Louis. "You have like, special powers to make it snow or whatever! Its not fair!" He pouted as he tossed more snow at Louis. Louis laughed and flicked his wrists, causing a bunch of snow that was on the tree branch above to dump on Harry. Louis laughed and began to run away from the scene as Harry stood up, giggling, and chased Louis around the forest.

That night, Harry cooked them another meal, this time it was deer stew. It was delicious. Louis smiled as they ate and admired how Harry's jaw moved when he chewed and how Harry's biceps looked when he picked up his spoon or fork to eat. Or just when Harry moved his arms in general. "What are you looking at?" Harry asked, bringing Louis out of his daze. Louis coughed and looked down as he tried to hide his blush. "Nothing.." He mumbled and quickly picked up his spoon and began to eat the soup, ignoring the weird look that Harry was giving him.

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