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Louis looked at Harry and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He didn't know what Harry being different had to do with anything. Everyone was different. Louis was different. Why would being different be a bad thing? "So?" Louis asked. "What does that have to do with anything?" He asked, still confused on why being different mattered. Where he grew up and came from, everyone was different and no one cared. 

Harry just looked at Louis and sighed as he sat down beside the nearest tree. Looking up at the sky, he took a deep breath. He didn't know why, but he told Louis. "I'm gay. No one wants to be friends with the gay boy.. And I believe in things like you.. Fairy tale creatures.. No one wants to be friends with someone like me." He told the wintery boy. Harry hated himself, he would tell anyone that. He hated his hair, his feet, his eyes, his voice, everything, but most importantly, he hated that he was gay. If he wasn't gay, he wouldn't be bullied every single day of his life and his family wouldn't disown him and treat him like a stray animal. Because he was gay, he had no one.

Louis looked at Harry for a brief moment before he started to laugh, not at the fact that Harry was gay, but that he thought that Louis wouldn't want to be his friend because of it. Harry still teared up at Louis's laughter and once Louis realized that his curly headed amigo was going to cry, he stopped and quickly ran over to Harry and sat down beside him, causing Harry to flinch. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders and pulled the crying boy in for a hug. "Harry, I don't care that you are gay. I really don't. And I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at why you thought that we couldn't be friends.." He explained. Louis wanted a friend. He has been so lonely. Three hundred years is a long time to be alone and not speak to anyone. He needed a friend and so did Harry.

Harry looked up at Louis and smiled a teary, small smile."Thank you." He whispered and hugged Louis back. Harry was beyond glad to have someone in his life who would actually give two flying rats's asses about him. He needed this. He needed someone who he could trust. 

Harry and Louis stayed and talked until it was pitch black outside and Harry had to go home, no matter how much he wished that he could stay. If he was late getting home, he would get punished and his punishments were never good. He would get beaten, no food for the night, locked in the basement, raped, nearly drowned, you name it, Harry has had it happened. And sometimes his 'parents' didn't need a reason to punish him, but he didn't want to give them a reason. With a goodbye from Louis, Harry walked home.

Louis sat on a large tree branch and just thought about everything that had happened. He learned a lot about Harry, like Harry loves cats but hates pussy, he can bake, he is gay, he has never had a boyfriend and he has no friends, all of the friends that he did have left him. That made Louis sad. So what if Harry liked dicks over chicks? Harry couldn't change who he was, and honestly, Louis didn't want him to change. He liked Harry just the way he was. Smart, talented, and beautiful.


Harry walked home, getting there mere seconds before his early curfew. He opened the door and almost immediately was drug inside by a strong force that he soon realized was his sister's boyfriend. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked around the house. No one else was home. Scared, Harry looked at the man who won his sister's heart as he smirked, causing Harry to gulp. Nothing good would come out of this and Harry knew it. "Heard that you are a fag?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow up with a never ending smirk still plastered on his face. Harry couldn't even think of what to do or say as the older man pulled Harry to his room and shut the door, pushing Harry onto the bed as roughly as he could. Harry fell on the old, rugged mattress, nearly breaking his head board as the man walked over to him. "Josh.. Please.." Harry whispered, scooting away from Josh, causing the older man to laugh. Josh got on the bed and crawled over to Harry, and that is when Harry had the chance to get a good look at Josh's eyes. The boy was high. "Josh.." Harry whispered one last time before a knife was stabbed into his side.

When Harry had woken up, it was daylight out. He didn't know what happened, all he knew was that he was in some serious pain. When he tried to sit up, he screamed in nothing but pain. He looked down at his sides and noticed that he was completely naked and covered in scars. He didn't know what had happened or why he was like this. Slowly, he stood up out of the bed and held onto the wall. His back hurt terribly and his sides, stomach, chest and legs weren't feeling any better. Sighing, Harry limped to his small on suite bathroom and turned on the old light, wincing at the brightness. He slowly made his way to his small shower and turned the cold water on, not having warm water thanks to his 'loving parents'. He really hated calling them parents. They weren't his parents. Yeah, they created him, but they don't treat him like parents should. They do so many horrible things to him, and this must have been another punishment for something, although Harry couldn't remember how it happened.

After taking an ice cold shower and cleaning his multiple wounds, Harry had gotten dressed and snuck outside through his window, not wanting his 'family' to see him. He grabbed a tree branch and held onto it tightly so he wouldn't fall. he climbed down and landed on his feet. He fixed his torn jacket and made his way back to Louis in the woods. He was hoping that he wasn't dreaming up making a new friend.

A/N. YOU'RE WELCOME :) haha. I didn't read over this, so there are mistakes in it. And because of the few votes and comments I had gotten, I decided to update it. Continue to vote, comment, fan and stuff.. <3

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