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Tuesday, 3:30pm.

"Finally, that was my last final!" Kelly yelled in excitement.

"Mine too! One more semester bitches!" I said high-fiving her.

Kelly and I both graduated early and we were taking college classes as a senior so we got extra credits. At first I thought I couldn't do it but my hard work is paying off.

"Let's go get something to eat, your treat." Kelly said getting in my car.


We pulled up to chick fil a and I found a parking spot.

We went in and ordered. Kelly got the chick fil a sandwich and I got the nuggets.

"You want to eat inside?" I asked Kelly. 

"No let's go to the park where the neighborhood boys play basketball."

"Good thinking, hoe!"

We got back in the car and made our way over to the park. It wasn't very far from where we were.

I followed Kelly to the top of the bleachers and sat down.

A tall light skin boy with curly hair ran down the court and put his hands on his knees.

"Damn." Kelly and I said at the same time.

"Oh shit there goes your boyfriend." She said pointing.

I squinted trying to see who that was.

"Who is th-" I gasped. "Ohhhhh it's dude from the grocery store."

"He looks reaaaaally good. If you don't want him I'll take him."


We basically sat there fan-girling the entire time. I really don't care too much for basketball but when it's cute, shirtless, sweaty guys out there playing, you can count me in.

"Is he coming over here?" Kelly asked looking.

"Oh my god, shhhh. He is, he is."

"Hey, excuse me ladies

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"Hey, excuse me ladies. I have a question."

"Ask away." Kelly smiled.

"What's better, waves or curls?" He asked.

"Waves." I said with no hesitation.

"Mmm I think I like curls better." Kelly said.

He laughed. "Thank you."

After he walked away Kelly was still staring.

"I was scared he was coming over here because his friend wanted to talk to me." I said relieved.

She didn't respond she was still staring at the boy.

"Kell, he is like 12."

"Chile, age is nothing but a number. Oh and your boyfriend coming."

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