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Shawn, 12:07am.

"Jay! Where you been?" The bartender Rosa asked.

I laughed. "It hasn't been that long."

She giggled and shook her head. "What can I get you?"


"Coming right up."

I smiled and looked around. It's not too packed but it's not dry either.

"Here you go, babe." Rose said sliding me the drink.


I got up and walked to the table with my boys.

"Took ya ass long enough!" TyTy yelled.

Obviously he already had a few.

"Man whatever, I'm tired of hanging with y'all all the time."

"Oh boo hoo. Jigga man gets a girl and all of a sudden he don't like us no mo'" Kanye said followed by laughter.

"Shut up, Kanye. I'm sick of you especially."

"Look, look, look, look!" Ty said cutting our conversation short.

"At what?"

"That lil light skin bitch. I got this." He said getting up and going over there.

Kanye and I laughed as the girl shut him down.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Ole crusty bitch." He muttered coming back to sit down.

"Mad?" I asked.

"Fuck you, Jay."

I started cracking up.

"You acting like you got more game than me."

I scoffed. "Watch."

I got up and walked over to the same girl. "Hey." I smiled and she smiled back.


"Our smiles should touch now..." I smirked leaning down to her lips.

She really kissed me. I had no idea that was going to work. I was expected a slap in the face or something.

She slid her tongue in my mouth and I pulled back.

"You want to go back to my place?" She asked rubbing on me.

"Hell yeah, let me get my shit."
I walked back over to the table. "I'm out niggas."

"Where you going?" Ye asked.

"With shorty."

"Really nigga? You gon' go home with a 5 when you already got a 10?" Ty said looking at me crazy.

"You just saying that because you wanted to go home with her."

He shook his head. "Are you serious? Do you realize how dumb you sound?"


"But hey, do what you wanna do. I'm out, Ye." He dapped Ye and walked past me.

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