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I got in my car and started the journey back to my house. 'I'm going to tell him.' I told myself.

I pep-talked my way all the way home. I'm grown, I have to be mature and handle this situation like an adult.

"Jay!" I yelled as I walked into my house. "Babe, I got something to tell you!" I looked around and eventually found him sleeping in the bed.

I was actually relieved. I decided I would tell him when he woke up. I don't really want to disturb him. So I took my clothes off and laid on the other side.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey, babe."

"I'm babe again?"

"Aren't you always?"


I waited for him to fully wake up so we could talk but, he didn't. He went right back to sleep.

Nervously, I checked the time. 12:05pm. I had a lot of time to tell him before it was too late. Why am I in a rush? Because it's better to be sooner than later, I reassured myself.

"Jay did you eat?" I asked nudging him.

"No, I had a free day and I was using it to catch up on sleep."

"Good. Let's go get something. I didn't come back to watch you sleep."

"Okay." He sighed. "I'm getting up."

By 1:00, we were sitting in a little diner down the street. I hear it's really good but, it gets overlooked a lot.

"What's up, Bey?" Jay asked. "You've been acting weird... Like you're nervous or something."

I quickly wiped my sweaty palms on my legs hoping he wouldn't notice. I threw on my best fake smile, "Nah, I'm fine."

I tried to control the shakiness of my voice but, I couldn't control my nerves at this point. I kept screaming 'I'm pregnant' at the top of my lungs in my mind but, I couldn't manage to choke the words out.

Our food was brought out and I went straight in. It really was as good as people made it seem. "Let me taste yours." I smiled eyeing Jay's chicken Alfredo.

He pushed his plate closer and I twirled my fork in it. "Mm, yours tastes better."

"Here." I dug my fork into my chicken and bacon pasta and fed him some.

"Yours is good too."

We laughed and talked, until we figured it was time to go.

The whole ride back to my house I was playing out scenarios in my head.

"Mama called me earlier." He said randomly.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

"It seems like she only called to ask about you and to see how you was doing." He laughed.

"Aw that's sweet."

"Yeah I think she really likes you."

I just smiled in response. We pulled up to my house and walked up to my door together.

"You got plans tonight?" I asked trying to ease my nerves and be casual.

Being a Daddy {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now