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4 months later.
Beyoncé, 11:55pm.

"5 more minutes until you are officially a grown woman."

"I know, Shawn. I'm trying so hard to stay awake."

"Only 5 more minutes, Bey."

I yawned and put my phone on speaker so I didn't have to hold it.

"Stay up for me, BB."

Just as I was dozing off...


"Thank you." I smiled.

"Open the door."

"What?" I asked making sure I heard correctly.


"Open the door." I repeated.

A few moments later she opened the door. "Come downstairs with me."

She put on her slippers and followed me out.
"I got you something." I said as I popped the trunk of my car.

"You didn't have to- ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" She yelled.

"Oh thank you, Jay!" She jumped on me and gave me kisses all over my face

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"Oh thank you, Jay!" She jumped on me and gave me kisses all over my face.

"You're welcome. Let me help you take them up."

We walked back up to her condo and I stopped at the door.

"What?" She asked.

"You never invited me in before."

She laughed. "Just come on."

I set the bags on her bedroom floor.
"Get some sleep. We can do something tomorrow."

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To my house."

"Why don't you stay here with me?"

"Because I don't spend the night with women."

Shit. I didn't mean to say it but it came out. It's true, I never stayed the night with the girls I slept with. Either I left or I put them out. I don't see Bey as one of those girls but that's what I was used to saying.

"Oh, I thought I was past that level." Was all she said.

"Bey, I didn't mean to say that."

"No, no I get it."

That was my chance and I blew it.
She started getting back up, probably to lock the door after I left.

"I'll talk to you later, aight?"


I kissed her lips and she barely kissed back. I sighed and walked out.

Being a Daddy {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now