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Shelterwood park, a beautiful summer vacation home that I enjoyed going to every year...until 3 years ago when they shut down the park. Reason? It was never really shared, inside sources related to the people who owned the resort say because of the amount of deaths but of course there was no REAL reason. People say the farmer who once owned the land in the 19th century was getting revenge...but for what? That's what we went to discover. Hi i'm Kayce, 19 years old from a small town in Vancouver, Canada. Now i'm not the greatest journalist out there but i'm giving it a shot...I thought this story was worth telling.

Friday September 4th 2015, is where our journey began...exactly 3 years ago today the park shut down the reason, is yet to come.


The rental car arrived at my apartment, time to wake everyone up I walked over to my best friend/roommate Isabella's room "it's here! Get dressed and meet me outside with your bag!" I shouted at her as I ran to the front door and across the hall to Daniel and Brayden's room.




"Okay, okay i'm coming, i'm coming" I heard from the other side of the door as a sleepy looking Daniel opened the door

"Are you guys ready?!?!" I yelled at him

"Yes, yes we'll meet you by the car outside" he responded

"Okay hurry your asses" I yelled back. After that I quickly called Violet and she was already in an Uber on her way over (she lived with her parents at the time).

The rental car honestly looked incredible it was a beautiful blue Jeep with just enough space for the 5 of us and our backpacks. Everyone came out and we all took our seats, I drove the Jeep the first hour then switched with Brayden the second hour. Isabella sat next to me in the passenger's seat, Daniel behind her, Brayden behind me, and Violet right in the middle between the 2 guys. The ride was probably the only life enjoying part of the whole trip it was filled with music, singing, and old classic car games with road stops to eat as much junk food as we possibly could from the vending machines.

"Are we almost there Kay?" Violet asked me while I was giving Brayden the directions when he was driving.

"Yeah only 30 more minutes" I responded. I was excited and nervous to go back, the park was always being watched by police near by because of teenagers breaking in to drink and do other things. An old friend of mine, Jacob who was my neighbor when we both had the summer home, told me that they don't check the park on the anniversary of the closing, don't ask me how he found that out cause honestly I still have no clue. Apparently creepy things happen on nights of the anniversary...which we later found out was actually true.

My phone started to ring when I looked down to see who it was I saw the name 'Jacob' cover over my screen he's never called me in so long so I was hoping that everything was okay I didn't want to turn back now.

"Hello?" I answered quickly

"Hey, so since you told me you and a couple of friends were going to visit this weekend I decided to join are you almost here?" He said through the phone, to be honest I was more then happy I really wanted to see his face again.

"Yeah we're about 20 minutes away" I told him, as I put him on speaker so everyone could hear.

"Okay, yo this place looks terrible all the doors to the cottages are blocked off by wood, luckily I brought my hammer, but it's all run down things are thrown everywhere you gotta see this" he said to me sounding a little scared.

"Are you walking around? Wait till we come we don't know what's out there" I remember warning him

"I know, i'm just driving around, okay this is creeping me out i'm just going to meet you at the fro-"

The line went dead. I remember having that scared numb feeling running through my body when I heard the phone beeping back at me.

"What happened?!" Daniel yelled

"Brayden...drive faster, it sounded like he was going to say 'i'll meet you at the front' so enter through the main entrance...we're going to need to find a silver car" I told him as he started to speed down the empty street.


When we got there, it was the most mixed feelings I've ever had...I was excited to be here but also scared out of my mind, it was a rough time for me, it really was.

"Look! over there!" Violet yelled pointing out the window to a silver car parked on the side of the entrance, the drivers door was wide open.

That was the moment...we all bolted out the jeep and ran over to the car...Jacob, was no where to be seen.


The truth behind Shelterwood parkWhere stories live. Discover now