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Notes - Hanini means " to pour down like rain"
I'd like to thank @literal-Kpop-Trash for making me want to write and for helping me come up with the plot!
Also this is my first story so I'm really nervous. Hope you like it!

Sunlight peaked through my window waking me up early Saturday morning. Turning over I looked at the clock on the nightstand (6:14) ugh! it's to early I thought groggily. Pulling the covers over my head I tried going back to sleep. It was no use though My mind was to restless. Sighing I got up and headed for the shower. The cold spray woke me up further but did little to clear my head. I hated cold showers , but hot water was rare living with my aunt in her small apartment in the more rundown part of the city. I worked at the corner diner to help ends meet but it wasn't enough. So.... hot water was something we often did without . Sighing I got out and quickly wrapped myself in a towel. I got dressed without really paying attention to what I was putting on and headed to make breakfast for aunt Sue. Something she usually did since she was usually up before me and out the door by seven thirty. "Your up early"she observed walking into the kitchen. "Especially for a Saturday ". " yeah I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd make u breakfast for a change. You do it all the time , I thought I'd give u a break". " still worried about Hanini ? " she asked perceptive as always. I could never get anything past her. She'd raised me sense I was four when my parents died in a car accident. Due to a concussion in the same accident I had no memory of them. It made me sad but I loved my aunt dearly despite the fact we struggled and didn't have much. She was always there for me and sacrificed so much. I couldn't ask for anyone better to raise me. My shoulders slumped , "yeah I am , he just hasn't been himself in the longest time". " I mean I've known him sense I was 7 and he was 8! I know him well enough to know Something's not right! I just want my friend back! i all but shouted. I jumped feeling a tear hit my hand. I wiped the tears away annoyed. I never cried. its not like crying would solve anything. "Sorry sue for shouting" I said quietly. " hey now it's alright it just goes to show how upset you are about all this" Aunt sue comforted me. "What are you going to do if your right about the drugs? " she asked that can completely change a person, he may not even want help"she said gently. " I know but he's my best friend, I'll do whatever it takes to get him back" I said brokenly. "Well your an adult you can make your own decisions. Just don't get lost yourself ". With that caution she finished her breakfast and headed for the door. " oh, and Phoenix ? There's a ketchup stain on your shirt, and you might want to comb your hair as well" she through over her shoulder before leaving. I looked at my shirt. ugh! she was right. I turned to my bedroom to change my shirt and throw my auburn hair into a messy ponytail. Good enough. It's not like he'd notice. He didn't notice much these days.... Sighing I threw the rest of my breakfast away and headed towards hanini's place. He lived in one of the nicer middle class homes. My stomach was in knots on the walk over to his house partly due to the discussion that was going to take place and partly due to just seeing my baby. It made me smile just thinking of his honey skin, unruly black hair, full lips and warm chocolate eyes forever filled with light and Mischief. Both Which had been missing from his eyes lately.... Gosh I missed him. The guy he was before whatever it was had changed him. What if he hated me for interfering? I thought distraught. Lord let me be wrong I prayed. Squaring my shoulders I walked more purposely. I was determined to save my friend even if he was lost to me in the process.

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