Well, Hello there!

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Ah, so you made it past the overwhelming description!

You didn't even read the description, did you.

You're wondering why there's no question mark in the sentence above.

Don't deny it. It's what your wondering and we both know it.

That is because I know you probably didn't read it, so that statement.

Anyway, um . . . what now?

That awkward moment when you realize how much of a loser you are. I'm technically talking to myself, to you guys, right now.

Let's see . . .

Oh, um, welcome! This is going to be a very interesting book that you'll probably skim read with this "wut" expression because I honestly don't make sense. Ever.

So prepare for . . . I'm not even sure what, just buckle up and prepare yourself for . . . something.

*tosses cookies*

Ps: I'm probably going to regret my life choices once this is published, but continue to have fun.

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