CBG World

91 24 37

Lalalala, lalalala, CBG'S WORLD!
CBG's got her stashed bag of gold fish under her bed, her piles of pencils strewn around the floor too *choruses lalalas*

Please ignore that. That was supposed to be a parody for Elmo's world (WHO WATCHED SESAME STREET?)

Anyway I was thinking a while back about what it would be like if I were the ruler of my own world.

Aside from all of the obvious fandom decrees that I'll force my people to become obsessed nerds in, I'd probably be a horrible ruler of my personal world.

One fact about me: I can't deal with real people. It freaks me out. You see, there are so many different types of people, and everyone has different views and opinions and logic. Everyone thinks differently and judges you differently and is different and you have to somehow please all of them??? It scares me. People are so much work. I only know me and my head. I don't even understand myself. How am I supposed to understand everyone else?

Anyway, if I were a diety of my world, everything would burn in Tartarus . . .

I'd honestly make everyone do errands for me and get me food. It'd be nice for me. And if they tried to complain they'd get banished.

And that's why my world wouldn't work so well. Because people would try to revolt. Which would suck.

The idea of ruling over people terrifies me. I can't stand the people I'm forced to deal with at HOME. I talk to my pet bunny instead (he's great company).

CBG's world might be successful for a few weeks

It would be an awesome few weeks though.

School would definitely be canceled and everyone would be awake at night and sleep during the day.

There would be good food.

I'd make fandom laws.

I'd force everyone to do my bidding.

And that's how I'll get overthrown.

This seems like too much to deal with as is. I don't remember how to make laws, I don't pay attention in class XD

That's my sad legacy for my fake world.

I do have a world in my head where all of my fictional characters are alive and live in harmony

That's not true there are fires all the time and chaos it's insanity there

At least I can enter and leave when I want so I have no chance of being overthrown



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