Dark Angel {Harry Styles}

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CH. 1--

"Marissah!" I flinched when I heard Emma call my name down the crowded hallway. I turned but only seen people, everyone but Emma. I smiled at Jake when he waved at me. Jake is my older brother..But only my ten minutes.

Jake is one of those brothers who thinks their younger sisters are just the definition of perfect. Most people do say that about me..

Never drunk,Never smoked,Had sex,And I really havent ever fell for anyone so that means all the boys know I'm a virgin which makes going to school a living hell.

Every ten minutes its "Marissah you should come over" Or "Wanna hang out at my place later?"


I know I am a goody goody but I mean..that means less drama..right?

"Marissah! Wait!" I looked up and seen Emma pushing through the crowd of boys. "Move."

I loved Emma..She was the little rebel of the school that always trys to pull the good kids into trouble. She hasnt got to me yet. Although she has tried more time than I could remember. Every Friday she trys to get me to go to this guys party. One time she came back drenched in alcohol, She said the keg tipped over. 

"Hello? Rissa? " She smiles waving her hand in my face. I shook my head slightly focusing on her hand before looking at her, "Yea?" 

"Come to the bathroom with me?" I nodded and followed her. When Emma said "Bathroom" She meant come in there while I smoke. 

I huffed and looked in the mirror studying my new hair cut.

"You look so different..Almost like you might have a social life" Emma snickered. 

"And you look like you could kill bees."

"What?" She raised her eyebrows.

"All that smoke..It follows you."

I looked back into the mirror. I wasnt ugly I think..

I had long straight blonde hair, Bright green eyes and dark eyelashes. 

"You suck." Emma scoffed throwing her bud into the trash. "You are just going to leave it there? For a teacher to see?" I asked patting my outfit down.

"So?" She shrugged and put on a layer of bright red lipstick. Even if you didn't know Emma you would know she was trouble..

"Ooohh hottie alert." She smiled pointing out of the bathroom across the hall. I poked my head around the corner and seen a tall figure but he turned the corner before I could get a good look.

"Aww poo" She pouted and grabbed her bag before her loud heels clacked on the hard floor towards last period. I followed her and pushed the hair out of my eyes pushing open the door to History.

"Ah, Ms.Fortner, Ms.Lane We are having a new seating chart so stay up" Our old History teacher said. I'm surprised she could see us. She was way too old to be teaching.. I nodded and pushed my purse higher onto  my shoulder.

"Shit.." Emma mumbled,"That means I cant cheat of you anymore..."

I laughed and shook my head watching the final students walk into the room before the bell rang.

"Ok.." Mrs.Kellin said before she started placing people in their new seats. I laughed when Emma was put right in front of the teachers desk. I looked around to see who was left and seen the tall figure I seen in the hall. He had chocolate colored curls,Green eyes and he had a bad vibe..Kinda like a stay away from me vibe. 

I tore my eyes away from him as Mrs. Kellin slapped her hand on the desk,"Come on Marissah..today please." She huffed. 

"Oh..I-I, sorry" I mumbled feeling the guys eyes locked on the back of my head before I sat down.

I kept my head down as the seat next to me squeaked.

I looked up and seen the mystery guy. His jaw tensed when the teacher spoke his name.

'Everyone we have a new student today..His name is Harry!" She said sitting in her chair putting a video on.

I thought it was pretty weird to have a new student..on the LAST day of school.

I felt my eyes drift over to the desk he was in but he was already looking at me. I felt my face heat up but he turned his head just before a paper ball hit my cheek. I looked up and seen Emma motioning me as she mouthed "He is hot"

I rolled my eyes and sat the paper ball on the corner of my desk trying to focus on the video but If I kept watching it I would fall asleep like half of the class already was..Even  the teacher.

"Marissah" Emma whispered. I looked over and seen her smirking, "Talk to him!"

I shook my head and looked back at the movie before she pressured me into doing it.

Thats when I seen Emma start to stand up. My eyes widened, I knew what she was going to do. I shook my head and mouthed ok ok ok.

She smiled before sitting back down and watching me carefully.

I huffed and turned my body slightly towards him not sure if I should or not.

I sighed louder and looked at him. He was watching the movie with no expression on his face.

"Um..hi." I said barley able to hear myself but he heard me.

He glanced at he though his curls and lifted his head slightly then waved.

I looked back at Emma and she was smiling widely.

"So..where did you move from?" I said playing with my fingers.

He eyed me and huffed laying his head on the desk.

I watched him then turned back around in my seat.


Be rude.

Dark Angel {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now