Ch 10 (Part one)

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Harry will find me. Harry will find me.

I glanced over at Chance who was still snickering at my reaction to where I found out it was him. Where are we going anyways and why is he doing this..

 "So..Marissah, How's it going?"

He said turning the radio off.

Was he trying to be funny? I shook my head and looked over at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as a small smirk formed on his lips. 

I wasnt exactly sure on what to do because I couldn't exactly just jump out of a car going 50 or 60 miles per hour. I glanced around the car once more trying to figure out if there was anything I can use. 

"Harry owes us something. And that something would have to be you doll face." He said squeezing the steering wheel tightly. 

"What do you mean he own something? And why is the something me I didnt do anything to anyone?" 

The laugh that bellowed from his chest rang my eardrums making me jump slightly.

"He knew there was a possibility that you would be involved and i'm guessing by the questions you are asking me that he didnt tell you anything at all now did he?"

I was beginning to worry more and more. He was making me have a few questions in mind to ask Harry but then again Harry is not the one who is kidnapping me. 

As we stopped at a stop sign the light tapping of his thumb against the wheel was the only noise I could hear.

Nows my chance right?

The seat belt zipped up as soon as I unbuckled grabbing his attention. I didnt slow down though, I opened the door and took off running as fast as I could down the small dirt road. 

Over the faint painting of my breath and my feet hitting the dirt there was curse words fumbling from back towards the car.

The sudden rush of energy came in handy when I started to hear his heavy footsteps behind me.

A few twigs hanging from dead trees slapped against my arms and cheek.

"Get back here Marissah! Now!" He bellowed.

As if I was going to listen to him. There was a small opening between two overgrown bushes leading towards a trail going down to a few cabins that you could rent.

I darted down that trail and prayed that I wouldnt hear his feet coming down the paved walkway.

The huge pump grew in my throat as I grew closer and closer towards the cabins.

There was one cabin that caught my eyes because the lights where on so hopefully someone was home. 

I glanced behind me and sighed not seeing his behind me but I was still going to be safe and run run run.

My hand was hurting from my banging on the door repeatedly till someone opened it.

A middle aged man with dark hair stared down at  me.

"Is everything ok?" He asked looking around behind me before looking back down at me.

I shook my head because I was totally out of breath and thank gosh he understood and held open the door.

"Do you need anything?Water?" He asked before shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Please." I squeaked out. 

He nodded and motioned  for me to follow him down the slender hallway into a white kitchen with not much in it.

"What happened back there? All I seen was you running for your life." He said handing me a Glass of water.

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