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Harry's POV

I pulled into Jake's house and dropped Chance off. "See you man."

I waved and pulled out and headed home. I tried to focus on the road but I felt guilty. Why did I do that to Marissah? I laughed and shook my head pulling into my house. I smiles widely when Darcy came running out with her blanket dragging behind her. I got out of the car and smiled at her picking her up. "What are you doing up so late baby?" She rubbed her eyes and layed her head on my chest,"Sing me to sleep" She yawned. Darcy is my little sister, I would do anything for her. She is the only one really there for me. "Ok..lets get you inside." I opened the front door and walked up the stairs to her room and sang to her quietly. Only Darcy knew I could sing. She was the only one i really opened up to.

When she was asleep I kissed her forehead and walked across the hall to my room.

I groaned remembering I had work tomorrow.

I grabbed my phone and looked at my missed messages.

Boss- Harry dont forget about work tomorrow. You have two new students.




"Marissah wake up" I shook my head and pulled the cover higher over my head. "We are going to be late come on!" I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes looking at Emma.

"What time is it?" I mumbled crawling out of bed.

"It's almost 9. We have to be there at 11"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my clothes,"Thats plenty of time."

"Not for me!" Emma yelled from the closet. I changed into the outfit she left out and brushed my teeth then pulled my hair into a messy pony tail.

"Ready." I smiled grabbing my phone.

"I'm not! And I need food!" 

I laughed and put my shoes on then followed her downstairs.

Emma's mom smiled at us and handed us each an apple.

"Morning loves! You guys going to your class?"

Emma just mumbled so I answered for her,"yes we are." I laughed and took a few bites of my Apple before tossing it into the trash bin and grabbing my keys.

"Let's gooo.." Emma whined and leaned against the car door. 'Ok ok ok " I laughed and unlocked the door and got in starting the car up.

"I wonder who our teacher is going to be." Emma said rolling her window down. I pulled out of her driveway and shrugged,"No telling. I just hope it isnt some tractive guy."

Emma laughed," I HOPE it is someone like that."

I rolled my eyes and pointed towards a tall building.

"Is that it?"

Emma hummed and looked at a piece of paper then nodded,"Yep! That's it!"


 I pulled into the empty parking lot and got out waiting for Emma.

"This place is empty.." Emma yawned and pulled her hair into a bun.

"I know." I looked around and pushed open the heavy door. The smell of leather and sweat flooded my nose as soon as we walked into the huge training rooms.

"Again!" Someone yelled. I looked over and seen a tall blonde haired guy repeatedly punching a huge bag. "oo whos blonde?" Emma smirked making me stop with her. "Emma come on..We have to meet our-" I stopped mid sentence when I seen someone step from behind the blonde boy. His curly hair stuck to his face as he ajusted the gloves on his hands.

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