CH. 11

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(The picture on the side is Trevor)

My moms anger seemed to grow as i stood there not knowing what to say.

"I-I'm not sure. Maybe Trevor had one of his friends over and..he uh..Left his clothes and they went somewhere?" I said with the best poker face I  could as she watched me carefully.

She nodded slowly and crossed her arms ,"Knowing Trevor and the parties he goes to that could be the truth.But why are you just now getting home Marissah?!" 

I felt bad lying to her but what am I supposed to tell her? Oh, Ya know..There is a almost naked angel in my closet and I have been targeted to be killed for who knows how long. Don't worry mom.

"I was out with Emma." I said sitting on the edge of my bed hoping she would by it and she did by the look on her face.

"Well..You best be home by 11 next time or you are grounded you hear. Now you need to help us find Trevor so put your shoes back on." and with that she walked out of my room and headed down the hall.

I sighed in relief and shut my door quietly just as my closet door flew open. Harry smiled widely and shrugged, "You know I need clothes. Unless you want me to stay this way." 

I rolled my eyes and slid my shoes on, "Wait here I'll go get some clothes from Trevor's room. ok?"

He nodded and glanced around my room making his way over to my bed. 

I slid out of my room and hurried down the hallway towards Trevor's room. As I opened the door the smell of old food and cologne flooded out. I pinched my nose and hopped over the piles of clothes and pizza boxes on his floor to get to his closet. 

I swung it open and thumbed through the shirts trying to find something Harry would wear. All Trevor wore was Polo's and some weird kind of sports shirts. I yanked the plain black shirt off the ranger that was shoved in the back and grabbed a pair of Trevor's pants. They looked close to the same size, Harry was just taller.

When I got back to my room Harry was leaned over my dressers laughing silently to himself.

"Umm..What are you doing?" I said shutting the door and throwing the clothes on the bed.

He shook his head making his hair bounce around before holding up a few pairs of my underwear above his head ,"And you actually wear these?" 

I gasped and thew the nearest thing at him which was luck for him, a pillow. 

He held his hands up in defence but the pillow hit his stomach.

"Now get dressed and get out. I'm still mad at you." I said grabbing my phone and a small jacket.

He nodded slowly and his face fell. I bet he thought I forgot what happened but I don't think that little talk we all had was something that would be easily forgotten.

"You best be gone when I get back. " I said sharply as I shut my bedroom door and headed towards the front door.


"Are you sure?" I asked the small girl as we pushed though the huge groups of people. She nodded and held onto my hand tightly as a few drunken boys tried to either grab me or her. They where all drunk even the girl who was supposedly taking me to Trevor and his friends. I am really beginning to think this was a dumb idea as the circle of boys yelling and whistling parted as me and the drunken girl pushed through.

Trevor was sitting in a chair with a half naked, Pink haired girl giggling in his lap. He was throwing ping Pong balls into small blue cups as the guy on the other side looked angrily up at him.

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