Part - 38

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Everyone in the throne hall had tears in their eyes at the reunion of mother and daughter. Everyone, except Alayken. He started inching towards the closest guard, who had the keys of his cuffs dangling from his broad leather belt.

In the blink on en eye he slipped it out from there and worked on his cuffs. While all eyes were on Tessa and Elizabeth.

Once he was free of his cuffs he lunged and caught Elizabeth's arm. Pulling her in his arms he placed a knife on her throat before growling "Don't try to come near me or I'll kill her."

Suddenly the situation has changed again. Now Alayken has the upper hand. Everyone was too stunned to react. Elizabeth desperately tried to reach Tessa by stretching her arms towards her. Tessa started towards her too, but Alayken jurked back taking Elizabeth with him before saying "Stay where you are daughter of mine, or I'll kill your newly found mother."

"I am not your daughter." Tessa said through clutched jaws.

"You may deny the fact but can you risk your mother's life?" he asked mockingly, and when Tessa didn't reply immediately he said "I guess not. So be where you are."

"Haven't you already given her much pain? Just leave her and I'll let you go." Tessa said reaching behind her for the Duroider.

"Don't even think about it daughter dear. Even if you'll be able to kill me with that your mother dies with me. So why not do what your father tell you to do." Alayken spoke before her hand could touch the Duroider.

"I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER" Tessa screamed.

"As you wish. but the warning goes for all. Darien my boy, drop the Curse and Pride, and Stefan dear stop inching towards my daughter. Although I must thank you for finding her for me, but she must go with me now." Alayken said calmly eyeing everyone.

Darien did picked up his sword but let go of it when Alayken said, but Stefan didn't stop.

"I am warning you Stefan if you wouldn't stop right there..."

"You can't take Tessa with you. We are bound to each other. If you take her I can find her with her heartbeats." Stefan said before Alayken could complete his warning.

"Then I must finish you before going."

"Try it" Stefan said smiling.

"Do you think I am fool enough to fall for that. My lovely daughter here would do it for me." Alayken said and notice Tessa's horrified expressions as she started shaking her head in denial. "or maybe for her mother" he said pressing the knife little harder on Elizabeth's throat. Not to cut the skin but hard enough to draw little drops of blood and make her hiss in pain.

"No..." Tessa cried.

"Then finish him or your mother dies. Let's see who you love more, your newly found mother or your lover. Pull out that cursed sword you bloody Angel of Death." Alayken growled.

Tessa looked back and forth between Elizabeth and Stefan. one side was the mother she just found and wished she had never lost and other side was Stefan, her one and only true love, her life. She can't think about living without any of them. But she has to take a decision and now.

Her mother was desperately trying to reach her and Stefan stood very still, waiting for her decision. Oh god, what she should do? She can't kill Stefan, but she couldn't see her mother die too.

There's only one thing she can do. She can kill herself so she wouldn't have decide between the two most important person in her life. Yes, that's what she would do, she thought.

She took a step back and slowly reached for the Duroider. All eyes were on her but she could only see the astonishment in Stefan's eyes as he shook his head, already knowing her decision. She flexed her fingers before curling them around the Duroider's warm hilt. "You are back again" the voice boomed in her brain.

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