Part - 2

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"The jungle is full of dangers. Wild animals, poisonous plants and critters and don't forget the bottomless ditches." Aron said one day to Gabby as she sat on the garden bench quite close to Tessa's prying ears.

"Bottomless ditches? What are they?" Gabby asked.

"Its like a ditch full of sticky mud that has no base. If someone falls in one of those, they get sucked in to earth and die."

"How you know? Have you fallen in to one?"

"Then I wouldn't have been here, telling you about it. Would I?"

"I don't know. You could be lying so I wouldn't wander in the jungle" Gabby said pulling a face. The perfect McCartney lady trait.

Old Aron laughed at that and shook his finger at her "A lady never wanders alone, let alone in to a jungle."

"But how one would recognise a bottomless ditch?" Tessa asked, curiosity getting better of her shyness.

"Look who is paying attention to our chatter" Aron said looking at her and smiling.

"Why are you disturbing me at my lesson time?" Gabby asked angrily.

"I... I.. I was just..." Tessa started stuttering but Aron gave a stern look to Gabby who just huffed and marched away towards the house.

"You must not disturb when two people are talking. It is bad manners. A lady must never jump in to a conversation without asking for a permission to do so before." Aron said to Tessa.

"I... i... i am sorry Aron"

"Its all right. Now what you wanted to know?"

"The bottomless ditches you were talking about."

"Ah... the bottomless ditches. Well they are very dangerous one must avoid them at all coats."

"But how would I come to know bottomless ditches to normal ones"

"Normal? You mean the one that have base?" Aron asked and Tessa nodded.

"Well it is very difficult. But one must avoid all ditches. Normal ones too. Cause for a little girl like you almost all the ditches are dangerous." Aron said ruffling her hair before walking away.

That was eleven years before, that time she was only eight years old. Now she is grown up women of nineteen. At 5.4", she was surely tall enough for a normal ditch, so this is it.

A bottomless ditch, Her final destination. She ment to kill herself and god has provided a nice little ditch of quicksand that would swallow her whole.

What a neat plan. She thought and stopped struggling. Allowing the wet mud to pull her down slowly.

She closed her eyes and tried to remain calm. Finally... she is at the end. End of her awkwardness, end of her craziness, end of her secret, end of her life.

Few more minutes and she would be removed from the face of the earth without any trace. No one would know where she has gone or what has happened to her she thought then sadly smiled "as if anyone would want to know what has happened to the foolish Tessa"

She has always been a burden to McCartney family, her two sisters were much much better then her Gabby five years elder then her was a perfect McCartney lady, married to a wealthy doctor and living on High Street among other wealthy town folks while Misha, 2 years younger then Tessa was the beauty of the McCartney family.

Sir John McCartney was regularly being approached by young suitors or their wealthy fathers for asking her hand in marriage while Tessa was just invisible to any of them.

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