A Fight With Mom

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"Okay Zelena is with Emma and they are getting ready, we should start prepping for the fight just in case there is more damage, and get everyone to safety." Snow said while Henry held Neal nervously, the diaper bag on his shoulder while he bounced him.

"Alright, Henry can stay here with the kids and I will go and meet Emma and Zelena." I muttered, grabbing my coat and tying the belt over my small bump.

"Um, well actually we decided that you should sit this out." Snow said quickly, making my eyes grow, I went to yell but she grabbed my arms and shooed Henry out of the room while I held Robyn in my arms.

"You're three months along, it is a very delicate time for you, we want you to be careful and take it easy, and fighting fireballs and debris isn't wise, don't you think?" She whispered, I groaned and glared at her, untying my jacket while she helped me up, smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, she just shrugged and crossed her arms. "Oh, I can just tell that you're showing now." She smiled, I felt myself warm and I looked down, not noticing how much I had apparently grown.

"Now go down into your underground room, it's magic-proof and protected right?" She asked, I nodded and picked up Robyn's diaper bag, slinging it on my shoulder before pushing all the kids downstairs to the cellar, the last image of Snow I had was her rushing out with a nervous look on her face.


"Violet! Oh thank god!" The Queen cried as I rushed into the police station, I hugged her through the bars and looked at Zelena who hastily unlocked the lock and unchained the Queen.

She rushed out and I hugged her again, the comforting feeling of her beaded outfit calming me. "Violet you have to go and hide somewhere, this fight is going to be ugly and I don't want you getting hurt." She ordered, I shook my head and took a sword from under the desk and remained next to her.

"No, you're my family and if you go down I go with you." I said looking at Zelena who smiled and led us out, I felt the Queen take my hand and squeeze it before wrapping her arm around me, her heavy sleeve like armor.

"Hey kid, where's my son?" Emma asked as the three of us met outside, I shrugged and pulled my jacket around me and she nodded then continued conversing with Zelena who was going over fighting strategies.

"Violet look at me." The Queen instructed I turned and saw her frantically fashioning armor for me, but it was too heavy at the rate she was making it at.

"You fight as hard as you can and don't let anyone hurt you, if one of us gets hurt you don't worry about us, you save yourself and then get out of here. Do you hear me?" She demanded, I shook my hand and gripped her wrists, getting her attention.

"I'm not leaving you again, if you go down we get out of here together, or I go down with you." I stated, she sighed and placed her hands on my cheeks, swallowing before the sound of the others filled the streets.

"I got your back." I heard Snow and David promise each other, Zelena ignited a fireball, making the Queen mirror her.

"Let's just kill them Swan, get this all over with." Killian growled as Cora approached with a sinister smile, Hyde flanking her with other Dark warriors.

"Who the hell are all of these people?!" Zelena scoffed, the Queen blocked me with her body and changed from an elaborate gown into fighting armor, her long black hair pulling back into a ponytail, a fierce expression on her face.

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