The Queen

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I watched as Emma and Killian burst through the door with David bundled inside of the car seat, both of them displaying dark circles under their eyes symbolizing their sleep deprivation from the past couple of months, scaring me straight as I tried to comprehend how exhausted I was from giving birth the night before.

"Oh my god Liza! She's beautiful! Congratulations!" Emma cried as she rushed up to her mother and scooped my baby out of her arms. "Thank you." I said tiredly, leaning back on the comfortable sofa, she smiled and sat down beside me, gently rocking the baby before her own small son began to wail.

"Oh well, go back to mommy and daddy." She cooed, passing her back to me before grabbing her own son and a bottle, shoving it into his mouth.

"Why don't you give mummy your card?" I heard Zelena whisper to Roland, making the little boy perk up and run into the dining room before returning with an oversized piece of yellow construction paper.

"Aunt Zee wrote it for me!" He announced, clinging to Regina's leg while she balanced Rosalie in one arm and reached down for the card with the other.

"Thank you munchkin! Do you want me to read it out loud?" She asked, he smiled and nodded, pulling her pant leg towards the love seat, sitting her down before crawling into her lap, quietly playing with his sister.

"Dear mama,

Happy Mother's Day, I don't really know what that means because papa and I never had it before in the forest. I love you so much and you make me feel safe and happy when you take care of me. I don't remember other mama but that's okay because I like you better, you didn't go away like she did, you give me baths and the biggest, warmest, mommiest hugs, and when I have nightmares you sing me back to sleep! I miss papa a lot and I know you miss papa too, so when I hear you cry about papa I know I can too because someone else misses him. I love you mama, and I love my monkey that you gave me in the forest. You're the best mama ever and I don't want anyone else to be my mama because you're number 1. Hugs and kisses love Roland." Regina finished, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked down at the little boy contently curled on her chest.

"Thank you Roland, that was a beautiful card." She whispered, crouching over and kissing his cheeks.

"I will give you your gift in private." Henry whispered to his mother, getting up and wandering into the kitchen before returning with a plate of food.

"What did you get for Mother's Day Eliza?" Snow asked leaning in her husband's arms, I chuckled and looked up at Daniel tiredly, cradling our daughter to my chest.

"Her, she was born at exactly two thirty this morning, so she was my first Mother's Day gift." I answered, feeling Daniel rub my back gently before clearing his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Well since everyone has our attention we thought that we'd introduce you to our new daughter." He said as Eva and Chris walked in with Violet between them.

I waved her over and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, my postpartum emotions making myself tear up.

"Aw I want to hear her name." Violet said looking at me with wide eyes, I leaned my head on her shoulder and then sat up, facing the group of eager people.

"We present Princess Ivy Regina Colter." I said wiping my eyes, looking up at my other half as she teared up, pulling her children close to her as she stared at me.

"That's beautiful, she's beautiful." Regina wept, pulling away and kneeling in front of me, rubbing Ivy's hand.

"Thank you for all you did last night, you helped me so much, with the whole thing that happened to us in the Enchanted Forest, it helped knowing that someone knew exactly what I was feeling, just someone who I could count on to hold my hand when I thought I couldn't do it anymore. I have my daughter thanks to you, and of course my favorite set of doctors, and..." I started, squeezing Regina's hand and glancing at Eva and Chris who happily stood to the side.

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