Part 14: Philadelphia

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Brandon noticed I opened my eyes once again. I wasn't actually paying much attention, everything was still really blurry.

"Hey Callie, don't worry. We are almost there." Brandon said trying to stay calm.

I wanted to answer, but I couldn't. I felt really bad. So I just sat there, anyways I knew I was in good hands. After about three more minutes of driving, I felt the car stop. Obviously I couldn't get out so Brandon rushed to my side and lift me up in his arms.

"Brandon, please don't leave me..." I managed to whisper.

"I would never do that Callie."

When we entered the hospital, Brandon searched for help and a woman took me on a wheelchair to an emergency room. I heard Brandon fighting about wanting to come in with me but they wouldn't let him, which sucked. 

"Hey Callie." A doctor said "Everything will be okay."

I was regaining my consciousness again. I was almost totally awake, except my arm which they put anaesthesia on. I noticed the doctor was almost done with putting stitches through my whole arm because of the damage Nick had caused. Eventually they placed me on a stretcher and told me to stay there while they finished doing some paperwork.

"Hi sweetie. How you feeling?" Lena asked me while her and Brandon filled the room.

"Good, I guess. What happened? Where is Stef, Jude and the twins?" I asked.

Lena waited a moment to answer. She was probably figuring which were the right words to say.

"Stef is home with your siblings taking care of them. In case you don't remember Brandon rushed you here as soon as everything with Nick went down and I came as soon as possible." Lena answered.

"Oh yeah, right. I forgot Nick cut my arm..." I said.

Lena looked worried and Brandon looked really sad. He looks like if he hadn't slept for the last two days and had tears on his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Callie. I wished I could have helped you more. I should've been there for you." Brandon said.

He got closer to me and took my hand in his. Before I could even answer he placed a kissed on my forehead like he had to be forgiven about something. But I knew he didn't. I knew he did everything he could for me to be safe.

"Brandon, it's okay. Thanks for being here." I said with a smile on my face. 

Eventually we went home. Thankfully the wounds weren't as deep so they would be better soon. 

A few months had gone since the incident. That day we woke up to the best news we could ever get. A few moments early Brandon had applied for a scholarship in the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Everything with Juilliard didn't worked out, but Brandon decided not to give up on his music career. That morning we received a letter saying that he had not only been admitted to the school, he had also won a scholarship. 

"Oh my gosh Brandon. Congratulations!" I screamed while running to hug him.

We were all so proud of Brandon we spent the whole afternoon celebrating with him. He was already planning his new life in Philadelphia. He was already looking for apartments and trying to figure out his schedule even though he didn't have to leave until two weeks from now. At night, Brandon and I sat on the bench outside and started talking.

"Brandon I'm so proud of you." I said, but tears started running down my eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" Brandon asked "Why are you crying?"

"I just, um... What's gonna happen to us when you leave?"

"Callie, we can figure it out. Don't worry about that. I love you."

I nodded and kissed him. After all we've been through I couldn't imagine having to live my life without him again. Then it hit me. The fact that I should probably be thinking about schools as well. But it was really hard. I finally got a family, I didn't wanted to leave them. Of course, it wasn't until a week later that I got what was probably the best news of my life. 

I got a letter that said "Dear Callie Adams Foster, we write to you to offer you a scholarship on our photography school here in Philadelphia. We got to see some of your work and would love for you to join us in one week." And a bunch of other info.

I couldn't believe it. I was able to go to Philadelphia with Brandon and we wouldn't have to brake up. I was able to be with him and do what I wanted. So I ran upstairs to moms room so I could tell them the great news.

"Moms!" I screamed "Guess what?" 

"Honey are you okay?" Lena asked.

"What's wrong?" Stef said.

I barged into their room and started telling them the news.

"So long story short, I got admitted in this amazing photography school in Philadelphia. And the good thing is that I got a scholarship so I can go and study and I won't have to break up with Brandon." I said.

Both of them seemed really shocked, but happy in a way.

"Honey, that's great!" Lena said 

"We should go celebrate. Maybe get some ice cream." Stef proposed.

"Wait. But before, let me tell Brandon. I want to tell him the good news."

They agreed so I went to Brandon's room hoping to see him there, which I did.

"Hey babe." I said while sneaking my head through his door.

"Hi." He answered.

"So I have something to tell you..." I started.

"Yeah? What happened?" He asked.

"So, I kind of just got a letter from this photography school and they offered me a scholarship..." I started "And it is in Philadelphia."

"Oh my gosh, that's awesome!" Brandon said while running to hug me and kiss me.

"We can live together." He added.

"I know." I said with a huge smile on my face while kissing him.

"Callie, we are going to live together in Philadelphia... How did we got here from not even being able to live together?" Brandon said.

"I guess love always wins." I said.

"We are moving to Philadelphia!" Brandon screamed with a huge smile on his face.

Hi! What did you think of this chapter? I wanted to make a twist on Brandon and Callie's life :) Also thank you so much for 1K reads. It means a lot. Sorry for not posting in a while. I actually was going to write more yesterday but saw the episode and I got kind of discouraged. So right now I am going to rant a lot about my thoughts on last nights episode, so if you don't care about that I will suggest you to stop reading.

My thoughts on season 4 episode "Safe":

I'm not gonna lie, I'm actually really happy on how they played Nick's storyline. I was kinda bummed about that avery single little part on the promo that looked scary wasn't even about Nick. They were just misunderstandings inside the family. And I was so freaking excited when I saw that it was Brandon's hand! I'm still processing the fact that he woke her up to talk to her about Idyllwild and the best part was when Stef barged in on them just when Brandon placed his hand on Callie's knee. AHHHH! All the feels. It was funny because before watching the episode I was thinking about how cool would it be for Stef to see them arguing and she did. And when Callie told Mariana the truth! Oh I was so freaking excited.

The reason I was bummed is because I feel like Brallie is never going to happen. Some part in me says that if they were never going to happen the writers would've broke them up since 1X15, but they didn't. We are in season 4 and they are still playing with the "we want to be together but we can't". So I really hope that they actually end up together. I know there were many other important things in the episode, and I can say it was probably the best episode I've seen, but I'm not going to talk much about those things because I don't want to make this any longer. If you want to hear my opinion on other sides of the episode make sure to leave my a comment or even message me and I would love to talk to you.

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