Part 18: Quinn

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"Callie are you pregnant?" Brandon asked me.

I didn't know how to answer this, I was really surprised. Was I pregnant? Was that possible?

"I... I don't know B."

"Should we get a test?"

"Probably." I answered.

I was scared. I'm eighteen, just starting college. My life is being put back together once again since everything with Ava went down, and we are dragged back down to this. 

"We can go tomorrow morning." Brandon suggested "You should get some sleep."

I nodded.

"Actually, do you mind if we go now? I'm sorry, I know you are tired. You know, it's okay. We can go tomorrow."

I stood up and started leaving to our bedroom, but Brandon stopped me grabbing me by my waist.

"If you want to go now, we can go. I'll make whatever makes you happy."

Brandon and I put on our shoes and left out the door to the closest pharmacy. Thankfully we had one right at the corner which was opened until midnight. We entered the place kind of scared of what was going to happen.

"Um, I got it!" I said while taking the test in my hands.

We went to the cashier and payed for it. I gave the test to an old lady which was the one running the business. All I could say is that those were the longest two minutes of my life. We could feel the lady judging us with her eyes, probably thinking we were making bad choices. I think Brandon noticed I was uncomfortable because he placed his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Once we got to the apartment we directed ourselves to the bathroom.

"So do you want me to leave or...?" Brandon asked nervously.

"B, it's okay. It will just take us a few minutes."

We sat on the floor with our backs against the wall waiting for the test to be done. 

"I'm so sorry Callie." 

"What for?" I asked confused.

"You've gone through a lot this last year and I feel like it's all my fault. You don't deserve to go through this again."

"Brandon it's okay, it's not your fault. And anyways if I'm starting a family, I want it to be with you. No one else. I love you."

He smiled and kissed me. It was all going well until the timer set off. My heart started going really fast and I was extremely nervous. I noticed Brandon was nervous as well. At least we are in it together.

"Callie it's going to be fine. Whatever the results are, we are going to be perfect."

He hold me closer to him placing my head on his chest with his arm wrapped around me. Without glancing I took the test in my hand, ready to see what was on it.


"Oh my gosh! I love you so much." He said while hugging me and kissing me.

As you could probably tell, the test was positive. I was going to have another baby.

"How are we going to do this B?"

"We'll figure out a way, I promise. We will raise this baby together and we'll make a beautiful family."

"Brandon, we just started college. And the wedding, and the family..."

"Callie, everything will work out. I love you and this baby, and love should be enough."

I nodded. By that point tears were filling my eyes, but tears of happiness. We sat a few more minutes in the bathroom floor processing everything that was going on. We heard a knock on our door, which was odd because it was 10:30 pm. Who would knock on someone's door so late?

I opened the door to see the least person I was expecting to.

"Hey, am I interrupting something?"

"Oh my god." I said while Brandon joined me at the door.

"What are you doing here dad?" 

"I wanted to see you Callie. I heard that you moved." Robert explained.

"Hi, Robert." Brandon said.

"I know it's late, and I'm sorry. But would you mind if I come in?" Robert asked.

"No, of course. Come in."

While Robert entered the house I closed the door and glanced at Brandon surprised. Neither of us knew what was going on. Why would Robert be here? 

"Stef told me you guys moved to Philadelphia for college." Robert started "You never said goodbye, so I wanted to see you and see how you were doing. I had a work flight over here anyways, so I thought I could come by."

"Yeah of course. I'm glad to see you." I faked a smile.

"So, is everything okay? You look like you've been crying."

I glanced at Brandon like asking for his permission to tell Robert. I could see in his eyes that he wouldn't mind, and for some reason I felt the need to tell him. At least it wouldn't be that bad, I knew he wouldn't scream to us, or get mad.

"Yeah so, I kind of just find out I'm pregnant..." I blurted out.

"Oh my gosh Callie, I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything."

"Congratulations, I guess."

"Thank you." Brandon answered.

"I guess it's a good timing because I wanted to give you something. Since you just came here, I never got to help you with the expenses or school or anything."

"It's okay, I actually got a scholarship."

"Well, but I wanted to give you something. So how about this? I had some money saved up to help you with college, but since you don't need it for that, what if I give it to you and you use it for the baby. And I insist. I really want to give you something back." Robert said.

"Thank you dad, but I don't think we can accept it."

"Well, it's not up to you. I called your moms earlier and they helped me deposit the money on your bank account. I really hope this can help you guys with the baby."

I ran up to him and hugged him. I didn't know how else to respond. It was too many information to suck in for a day.

"Thanks, I love you." I said.

"I love you too sweetie."

A couple of minutes later Robert left, leaving Brandon and I alone in our room.

"B, I can't believe this. He literally gave us fifty thousand dollars."

"What, seriously?"

"Yeah." I said stunned.

"So can we please go to the doctor's tomorrow after school? I really want to get everything checked out for the baby. Our baby." Brandon asked.

"Yeah, I guess. At least we won't have to worry about work anytime soon, and we can have a healthy baby together."

"I love you Callie. You better get some sleep, it's been a long night."

"Tell me about it."

We fell asleep in a matter of minutes and I was still stunned by everything that had happened. I couldn't believe dad gave us so much money after not speaking to him for like two months. At least I knew I would get to have a family with Brandon this time. The only challenge was going to be facing moms with the news of their new grandchild.

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