Part 17: A Surprise

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We had set an alarm to wake us up at 6:15am since school, for both of us, started at 8:00am. Thankfully we got a pretty good deal with the apartment, since both of the schools were fifteen minutes away on walking distance. I woke up and turned off the alarm, Brandon wasn't up yet.

"Hey B..." I said while rubbing my thumb on his cheek. "We have to wake up."

"But I don't want to." Brandon said like a little kid, which I thought was adorable.

"B, we have to get ready."

I stood up and entered the bathroom. I decided to take a shower while Brandon made us some breakfast. My shower was pretty quick and after that, I changed, placed my hair up on a ponytail and applied a little bit of mascara and lipstick.

"You look beautiful." Brandon said while wrapping his hands around me.


"Come, I made breakfast."

He led me to the kitchen which was again beautifully arranged. He got some new flowers, served orange juice with a strawberry on top of the glass, and he made some french toast. 

"Thanks B." I said while kissing him "But you don't have to worry this much every time you cook."

"I want to. You deserve it, you deserve to be happy."

"And I am, specially with you."

We finished our breakfast in about twenty minutes and Brandon changed while I cleaned the dishes. It was already 7:30 and Brandon and I were heading out the door.

"Do you want me to walk you to your class?" Brandon asked "I mean it's on the way to my school, mine's just five minutes away."

"I would love that."

So we walked to the school and were just about to get there. My hand stated shaking and I turned a little bit pale since I was so nervous, and I think Brandon noticed.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded, but he knew I wasn't. He held my hand and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Everything's going to be fine, I promise. They are going to love you."

"Thanks, I love you." I smiled.

"Anytime, I love you too."

I was so nervous because I thought I wouldn't fit in. I really hoped they would like me. Honestly having Brandon with me made things so much better. I wouldn't imagine how hard it would be to face all of this alone. Sadly, we got to the school and I had to leave him for a whole six hours.

"Good luck Cals, you are going to do great!" 

Brandon kissed me and he left. I had all my info written on my phone, and thankfully it was pretty easy to get to class. It was really small, there were only like twelve students and the teacher. To my advantage, the teacher looked really sweet. She looked like she had around thirty years, she had blond curly hair, and wore a huge smile on her face which made us all feel better.

"Oh hi Callie." Miss Katherine said "We are glad to have you here."

I smiled. Thankfully the whole day went by pretty smoothly. I found all the classes really interesting, and I enjoyed the whole day. Even though it was only the first day, I actually felt like I learned a lot. Of course I was happy I would get to go home. I ended up classes at 2:00pm, and Brandon finished at 1:30pm which meant he would get home before me. I decided to just walk all the way back home and decided not to bother Brandon.

"Hey B, I'm home." I said excited, running through the door.

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Pretty good, I guess. I actually found all the classes really interesting, but I didn't got to make any friends. Since I started late, they all know each other by now, and nobody really cares of meeting the new girl." I said kind of disappointed.

"It's okay. I'm sure you'll make a bunch of friends soon."

"So how about you?" I asked.

"I felt amazing honestly. I forgot how much joy playing piano used to bring me. And the teacher was really strict, which can sometimes be a pain, but it helps me a lot to improve."

"I'm really happy for you B."

"Actually, I learned a new piece today. I was planning on playing it for you, if you want."

"Oh yes! I would love to hear it." I jumped excited.

Brandon got nearer to the piano that was sitting on the living room. He prepared and started playing. It was honestly one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever heard. It was so unique and you could hear a story was being told behind every new key he touched.

"Brandon, that was beautiful." I said speechless.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it because I actually wrote it myself. I wrote for you, I tried to tell our story in the most beautiful way possible."

"You are amazing." 

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework and catching up with the family. I even got to call Jude. Later on we had dinner, and in the blink of an eye it was nighttime again. 

"Goodnight Cals, I love you."

"Night B, love you too."

We were finally about to fall asleep when I started feeling bad. It was weird and happened all of a sudden. I wasn't feeling bad earlier, the feeling just came rushing in really fast.

"B, I don't feel really go..." 

I couldn't even finish the sentence before I had to run to the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet.


"Don't come in, it's gross."

"Ah, don't be stupid. I'm going to help you." Brandon said while barging in.

He held my hair up while I finished, and then helped me wash my mouth and face.

"I don't know what happened. I was feeling okay, but all of a sudden I got super dizzy."

And a known feeling came through me again. For a second I thought, what if I'm pregnant again. I mean it could happen, Brandon and I have been together a bunch of times. But at the same time I thought it was stupid considering I just lost a baby. It was six months ago, but still. Brandon and I have always been connected in some way. We feel what the other feels and know what the other is thinking.

"Callie, I know this might be stupid, but you don't think you are..."

"Pregnant?" I asked.

Hi! Oh, so what a twist to the story! What do you think will happen? Are you hoping they are pregnant and actually have the baby this time? Or do you think Callie is just sick? Leave me your theories down below, I would love to read them! Also thank you so much for almost 1.5K :)

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