Chapter 33- I don't like surprises

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I couldn't be happier. I can't even describe how relieved and excited I am, to finally be able to leave the hospital. The past few days have been boring and annoying. For one, the stupid meds taste disgusting, the food it horrible, the bed is uncomfortable, the nurses are annoying, and the t.v has no Netflix. Like what the fuck?

Today is December 11 the days I'm discharged from the hospital, and the day before my birthday. My dad and Ryder somehow convinced the Doctors to let me out two days earlier. They knew how much I didn't want to spend my 18th birthday in a hospital, never mind on a uncomfortable bed.

Ryder dropped by earlier saying that I needed to get ready. Ready for what? I don't know, he just dropped off clothes and my make-up bag. Makeup, really? Do I really look that bad that I need to wear makeup just to go home and sleep. What an ungrateful jerk, he's lucky I didn't throw the makeup bag back at him, or give him a makeover myself.

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath.

I enter the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I look at myself in the mirror and gasp. Damn, I do look horrible no wonder he wants me to put on make-up. I open the bathroom door and glare at Ryder who sitting on the chair looking at me confused.

"What?" He ask.

"Do I really look that horrible?" I ask frowning.

"What? No! You look beautiful just the way you are." Ryder says.

"Then why did you give me the makeup bad, if you didn't want me to go around looking like Shrek you could've just told me." I say my voice trembling. Pregnancy hormones.

"Baby, I'm sorry. C'mere." He opens his arms wide and I run into them.

"Nichole you're beautiful, you don't need makeup, because you're natural. I love you just the way you are." He coos.

"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend." I murmur against his chest.

"No, I'm saying that because it's the truth." He says.

"Okay, only because I trust you." I say pulling away.

"I love you, Nicky-bear." I don't mind him calling me Nicky-bear, at least not anymore. I didn't want him calling me that nickname, because my father and mother use to call me that, but now that my fathers back and I love Ryder, I don't mind.

"I love you too Ry." I kiss him on the lips as he wraps his hands around my waist. He pulls away and I frown.

"As much as I enjoy that, you need to get ready or we'll be late. I don't need Juily or your dad yelling at me." He chuckles. I nod in response. I give him one last peck on the lips and turn on my heal, walking into the restroom.

I look inside the bag that Ryder gave me and luckily my towel, shampoo, conditioner, soap, shaving cream, and razor are inside. Stripping off my clothes I hop in the shower, turing the knob to warm water. I let it trickle down my face.

After, showering and shaving I wrap my towel around me and step out. Drying myself I wrap the towel around my hair and slip into the clothes that were in the bag; black/white top, blue faded jeans, and black converse. I applied the usual little makeup that consisted of mascara, eyeliner, foundation, blush, and chapstick.

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