chapter 7 ~ Big girl renovations

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When I was ten, I asked my mother, if I could redecorate my room; I told her, I too old for the 'Disney Princess' themed bedroom now—I think my father was crushed to see his 'little princess' growing into a 'not so little princess'—Of course my mother was ecstatic to see me shed the broken little girl, I had become; and bloom into a bigger and stronger girl. Alice and Rosie were just as happy to, see me grow and move on with my life.

Later on in the week, my sister's, my mother and I; made a 'girls day' to go shopping.

Driving to the special interior designer store that Esme and Alice used, for our every renovation or decorative needs, Alice asked me what I wanted to my new 'big girl' room to look like. I didn't really know, but I was convinced that once, I found what I was looking for, I would just know.

Esme and Alice always told me, I got my flare of decorating from them; apparently it rubbed off on me when I was just a baby, and I became more and more like an interior designer with each and every passing day. But the truth was that I just loved all colours and textures, I enjoyed playing around with mixing new colours and textures together, and I loved making things beautiful; in my own way. My mother and father were more than happy to cater to my creative needs and desires; encouraging me, to do what made me happy—no matter what the cost.

I loved to paint as a child. I honestly don't know how many finger paintings or water colour paintings, my father put up in his office, and boasted with pride, every time a work colleague would comment on them. My mother framed some of my paintings and hung them on the walls all around the house; others were put on the fridge to share with the household—I think my mother was much like my father, when it came to bursting with pride, when it came to anything I did art wise.


Once we arrived at the store; my mother told me that I was allowed to do whatever, I wanted to to my room—within reason. I was very nearly hyperventilating with excitement when both my sister's and mother, let me have run of the store.

My mother helped me reach things I was unable to reach on my own, or they were just too heavy for me to lift or move on my own. Rosie helped me read the hundred paint chips I tried deciding on, while Alice helped me with reaching the fabric holders—some were as tall as me or taller—and cut each piece of fabric, I chose to have.

Spending hours looking around the store, at millions of options; I quickly decided to paint my room, a deep aqua green, and have my room re-carpeted in a very soft and lush crème white colour and exchange my four post bed, for a wrought iron four post bed, with a very simple rose vine pattern. Each post looked like it was covered in iron vines—minus the rose thorns—with very detailed full roses. I traded my princess themed bed sheets for a deep violet duvet cover with silver silk sheets and pillow cases with a matching canopy cover. I chose a dark cherry wood stand up dresser with matching armoire and bed side table, with wrought iron rose handles, to match my new bed. I found some very pretty beaded purple throw cushions to place on my bed, along with some crème silk pillows.

My mother said now that I was older; I could also have a bigger walk in closet with plenty of room for new outfits, shoes and accessories. 'Shopping spree with Alice' my mind shouted at me, as I danced around the rest of the store, trying to find the one last missing piece to my room. I stopped dead in my tracks, mid step, when I spotted what I was searching for. It was beautiful and perfect for the last missing piece for me room; sitting only a few feet away from me, was a zebra print chaise lounge chair. The white in the pattern would match the darker colours in my room; while the black in the pattern would make the lighter colours stand out, and both colours would match the wrought iron colour to my bed, giving it the exotic feel to the room.

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