chapter 19 crashing reunion

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hey guys sorry im late updating but I have exams nd pres so im on my holidays so here is Edwards pov surprised .... Cullenlover


its been ages since I saw my family especially Bella I just couldn't stand been near her she is my soul mate I long for her, need her, I want to be whatever she wants me to be I am the lion and she is my lamb.

at first I thought I was insane  been in love with a baby but when she would long for me I loved it .

Bella is nearly 17 now and I heard from Esme and Carlisle that she is missing for two weeks I decided I need to go find my soul mate even though she wouldn't want to see me I don't I want my Bella


I am now with I can't wait I will finally not be a burden and they could get on with their lives, hey maybe Edward will came back they probably told him that  i'm gone then they will be happy again.

I'll miss esme always loving caring for me. Carlisle the way he calls me his little princess even when I'm not.

Emmett when we would prank jasper or play video games and he lets me win.jasper the way he can always figure me out when I try and hide it .(sobbing now) Alice the way she drags me shopping all the time and rose oh I love how she cares for me shows me how cars work nd do my hair. oh I miss my family I wan..t fam...ilyyy . my friends have  dropped me by the leaving forks sign about an hour ago I borrowed clothes from China since most of my clothes are back THERE.I walked further from the sign and im about 2 nd a half hour walk from Seattle when I started crying so I was turning back when I heard a screech of a cars wheel.......then black

sorry its short but ill be writting it more soon very soon hope you like can you guess who is driving oh and they mystery pov is gone gotta better idea

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