chapter 14 ~ memories

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The dull grey light filtering in through my bedroom window did little to comfort me, after my embarrassing out burst at school; it didn't help that my own father had to come to the school and sedate me before carrying me to his car.

I woke sometime later alone in my room with the door shut-a good sign.

I lay in my bed, doing nothing but stare out into the forest-I could literally feel myself sinking into a deep depression with every passing second-the wind blowing the massive tree branches as if they were nothing but pieces of paper tied to a string.

The wind blew the pearl grey coloured clouds closer and closer together. The closer they became, the darker the clouds became; the pearl grey, had become a dark grey to a light black, and finally all of the light of the day had disappeared and the clouds were nothing but a solid black wall.

Daylight was now gone, the day had ended; but I could not seem to make myself move from the comfort of my bed, of my room, the warmth that my blankets had encased me in.

I had thought a lot about what happened at school today with Skylar as I stared at the clouds, the irony was not lost to me; the grey to solid black clouds swirling around in the sky. I was positive that this was how mine and Skylar's friendship had started out-light grey and shaky to black and closed off.

I almost felt as if the clouds were suffocating me; impossible as it was-it was still true.

Letting my wander off the clouds, I focused my attention on the forest floor, as best I could; a tan and golden hued hide of fur quickly catching my attention. Squinting my eyes, in order to try and see a little better; a long thick tail twitched in the trees.

A mountain lion stalking its prey.

I chuckled lightly to myself, thinking back to a happier time in my life-a much happier time; a time when Edward was a part of my life-a time when my happiness actually meant something to me.

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It must have been when I was no younger than four or five; Edward had taken me for a walk in the woods, towards our meadow when we spotted a massive-well massive to a four year old-mountain lion, stalking its prey.

Edward placed one of his finger's to my lips, silently asking me to stay quiet and watch this beautiful creature in action. I watched fascinated; the way it's body crouched low to the branch it was balancing on, it's long, strong tail twitching as it prepared to lunge. Its ear's perked up at what ever sound it was listening for, a low growl built in its chest. I nearly jumped out of my skin when it finally did lunge at what ever it was stalking, causing me to jump back into Edward's legs; he let out a loud peel of laughter, lifting me off the forest floor so I was piggy back style on his back, taking off into a fast sprint towards our meadow.

Edward ran around the meadow, stalking me like the mountain lion; disappearing for moments at a time, appearing out of thin air, his long pale fingers, grabbing my ankles or around my waist, and every so often tickling my sides until I could barley breathe.


"What is it, love?" He always called me 'love'; for as long as I could remember. It made me feel so special-just like when my dad called me his princess.

"Kitties are a kind of pet right?" I asked as I skipped around the meadow picking the wild flowers (wild daises, violets, lilies, and harebell) for my mother. I always brought her fresh flowers from our meadow.

"Yes, of course they are." He said slowly, trying to figure out where my four year old mind was taking me. "Are you telling me that you want a cat for a pet?"

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