chapter 6 ~ Emmett

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Growing up, Emmett always had fun things for us to do; some things were more sports oriented then others, but with his love for sports and the gentle, and loving nature he had for me, with his patients and guidance, Emmett tried making sports fun for me. Emmett always made me try everything sports related once or twice.

He made me try baseball when I was seven, and again when I was eight; but I could never really get into it. Basketball was another sport, he tried to teach me, during the spring and summer months. He actually went out and bought an adjustable basketball hoop for the driveway; I was more excited that I was able to make a basket, after the hundredth time, than actually learning the rules to the game. I don't think Emmett really cared about teaching me the rules, all that much, as long as I was happy and content.

Football was opted out by Esme; she told Emmett, that I didn't need to learn, such a violent contact sport, at the age of seven and eight. Depending on what Esme said, I was maybe able to learn, when I was nine, but football was never a sport that interested me in the first place—it meant I had to get dirty.

Another sport he tried to get me into was hockey, and that was fought with peril! Hockey was too complicated, and not fun, in the least; what was fun about trying to keep a ball away from someone with a massive stick in your hand? Of course, when I was ten and eleven, he made me try again, but the 'girly, girl' in me screamed at me, not to play.

When the spring came around, when I was fourteen, Emmett introduced me to running; I took too it quickly and found it as a great stress reliever and truly exhilarating—runner's high quickly became my new addictive drug. Emmett and Rosalie, took me to a sports store in Seattle, to get a good pair running shoes, with the all of the appropriate features, to meet my all my running needs. I needed running shoes that helped keep my ankles and feet protected, from the constant pressure on my growing joints and bones—my father, nearly exploded with happiness and pride, when I came to him, in hopes of him helping me to keep my body properly stretched and, what muscles I would use the most and what muscles, would easily pull and tear. By the end of our shopping trip—keeping my father's helpful guidance in mind—I had left the sports store with three different types of running shoes.

Emmett told me that I would need to try each pair out, at least for a week; they needed to be properly broken in, and tested thoroughly, if I happen to like and use all three pairs, he would be just as happy, as if none of them were to my liking and wanted another pair.

I tried on the second pair, I had picked out; which was a new product, made with less bulk, for a light weight and smooth run—Nike's Lunar Guide. They fit like they were made for my feet and my feet alone. They made running seem absolutely effortless'; with each step my feet took, when hitting the pavement beneath my feet; I felt no pressure on my joints and tendons. I was keeping these shoes regardless of the pairs had to offer me.

The first pair of running shoes, I had picked were made to react, much like, a person running naturally, in bare feet; another great shoe and another effortless run—Adidas's Adipure Motion running shoes. These shoes were just as great as the other pair's, but I still preferred the second shoe better.

I argued with Emmett, for days upon days, when he tried to get me to try on the third pair of running shoes, like we had talked about; it had already been a month, and I would not be swayed from my favorite pair of running shoes. When I could no longer take Emmett's harassment, I went to the one person, I always counted on to take my side—Carlisle—my father of course took my side; after I made a logical point about, not wanting to ruin a good thing, and that my feet were used to my favourite pair of running shoes. My running shoes had already become a part of me.

"How do you argue, with that logic, Emmett?" He chuckled smiling at me widely. "I know that you had agreed, to try all three pairs, but if Bella, likes the particular pair she has, and they work for her...why mess with a good thing. I rather her, be in the shoes that make her comfortable, then try out a new pair and be thrown off track."

Emmett made a low hissing sound in the back of his throat and stomped out of Carlisle's office, in a huff while muttering, to himself, "Spoiled little daddy's girl...always gets what she wants." I couldn't help that I was a 'daddy's girl.' It took almost a week for Emmett to come around and talk to me again. It was the longest grudge; I had ever seen him hold, against anyone.

Sometime between when I was ten and eleven, Emmett introduced me to, the world of—The World Wrestling Entertainment; also known as the WWE—and I took to that too, much to my parents dislike to the show. Emmett argued that it was only a show, and since both parents, refused to let me join boxing or wrestling, in reality; I should be allowed to live vicariously through the show in question. Of course, after sucking up to my father, he valiantly agreed to let me watch it, as long as I didn't try any of the wrestling moves with Emmett or Jasper. I agreed instantly throwing my arms around his waist hugging him tightly, squealing in excitement.

It was for Christmas that very same year, Emmett bought me tickets to see a live show in Seattle; I was floored and over joyed, to find something we could both enjoy together—Emmett ran with me, for the first few months, but told me that it was more something, Edward would enjoy; he kicked himself for weeks after saying that.

I didn't touch my shoes for two weeks.

It was Esme who comforted me this time. "Do you really think, Edward" every time, someone said his name, my heart gave a little ache in my chest; desperately trying to hold itself together, "Would want you to give up, something that makes you happy; if it makes him happy too." Her logic made sense and I was trapped by it. "Now go and find your stride again, honey, and run, because you like to; not because your brother likes it too." That very same day, I laced my running shoes, taking off through the front door, running for me—no one else.

Asides from our twice a week show and my constant love for running; Emmett took me to all sorts of fun and exciting places, growing up. The summer fairs, in Seattle and Portland were some of my favorite past times, with, my big fun loving brother; he made it her personal mission, to win me as many stuffed animals as the back of his Jeep, would allow.

During the winter months of my childhood, Emmett taught me how to build a snow fort, and make the perfect snow balls, to throw at unsuspecting siblings and parents—I understand now that they let me hit them with each snow ball; and I loved them even more for it. Emmett also help me build a three foot snowman, the year I turned fifteen; Rosalie and Alice, found it hilarious that Emmett, pouted the most when it toppled over some time in the night. Emmett and Jasper, would take turns, sledding down hills with me, a million times a day—just to see me happy—carrying me back home, via 'piggy back' when I was worn out and too cold to continue on, for the day.

Emmett had surprised me one day during the winter, when I was fourteen; with a treadmill, for me to run on, so I could run whenever I wanted. My father, along with my two brothers, carried it up to my room, and I started running immediately. I was starting to drive my mother crazy, when I would run up and down, all four flights of stairs, just to burn some energy and calm my cabin fever.

When spring came around again, so would my days of running and training; Emmett, always helped me train, and was my continuous running partner, when I desired. I would usually, just use my MP 3 player to keep me company; but sometimes, he insisted, I go running with him,—which made me that much more suspicious of his motives. His over protective nature, for me, never went unnoticed; either he didn't notice my continuous sideways glances, or ignored them or was concentrating very hard on the unknown danger ahead.

At sixteen, I told Emmett, I wanted to become physically stronger; my core and legs were already strong—due to my continual running regiment—by the time I was sixteen, I was able to run five miles or more. He was more than happy to help me; Emmett, my father and Jasper went shopping for all the things I needed. My father was there more for my brother's supervision, than anything. He didn't trust them to buy me weights or anything else weight related, in which might kill me one day. After buying the top of the line, weights; my father and Emmett, helped me, showing me the right and wrong ways to life each weight and how much I was allowed to lift. Emmett quickly became my personal trainer and spotter.

Whatever his motive was, at whatever age, I was; Emmett was one of the best big brother's in the world. His endless loving nature enabled me to learn new things and opened me up to new and thrilling worlds. Sharing a common passion between us, was more than enough for me growing up as a child; and I could never thank him enough for it.

Because of Emmett; I became stronger—mentally and physically—I became a better person and the most important thing to him was...I became a better and stronger me.

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