chapter 13 ~ broken friendship

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It had been weeks since Skylar had been around school or in town, her mom said she has been rather ill and hasn't been out of bed for weeks. I found it a little strange that Skylar had gotten so ill; China, Chris, Oscar, Jillian and Curtis and myself were all perfectly fine-we hadn't even gotten the sniffles in these same weeks away from Skylar.

I asked my father about any extremely ill children that had come in for medical attention, and he gave me a weird look. "What do you mean extremely ill, Bella?" My father asked; his curiosity was peaked and I knew I had him, hook line and sinker.

"I mean, Skylar's mom said she has been extremely ill as of late. She hasn't been to school in week's daddy." I told him, concerned for my newly acquired best girl friend-along side Jillian and China. "I'm getting really worried...and I know, she has a mom and her mom probably knows what is best." I sighed, knowing exactly what to say at the right time to my father. "But I also have a brilliant doctor as a father and know much better than to..."

"I will check her file, Bella..." I cut my father's reply off short when I squealed at the top of my lungs and threw myself at him, kissing his cheek in thanks. "If only all of my children were this easy to please." He chuckled as I skipped off towards the kitchen, in search for a victory cupcake.

The next day, at school, Skylar was still absent and we were still worried. My father hadn't been able to dig up anything on Skylar; I went to sleep that night restless, only to wake more tired than I had gone to sleep-it didn't help that my dream of the shadowy figure and Edward still plagued me most nights.

To my utter amazement, Skylar showed up for school this morning, looking very much like the Skylar we had all missed and loved.

"Skylar!" I shouted running towards her retreating figure; Curtis and Oscar had also spotted her, she avoided them both as well.

"That was not only odd, but entirely rude." Oscar scoffed; I'm sure feeling highly offended. "The girl dropped off the face of the planet, had us worried sick-no pun intended-for weeks, and then won't even give us the time of day, when she returns to the land of the living."

"Calm yourself, my darling." I said soothingly, rubbing small circles on his back, to help calm him. "Come on; let's go find your better half." I teased earning myself a glare; I guess now was not the time to tease him. "Before you below up on me; and if I may add...I am wearing the very new Chanel boots in stunning patented leather fit with silver studs." I gushed happily, twisting my foot this way and that, to show of my new boots. "So please...wait to blow up on someone else; I know you, you love me enough to protect the Chanel."

"I would never ruin the new Chanel, my sweet darling Bella." Oscar sighed; I knew the storm of his anger had passed, and we hadn't even found Curtis yet.

I felt not only dutiful, but wanted and loved.

"Now let's get to class...before we get detention; god forbid daddy dearest perfect daughter get a black mark on her spotless record." He teased me, nudging me in the ribs.

"Daddy would most likely have a heart attack." I snickered. "His perfect daughter, missing class; he would wonder where he went wrong in his parenting techniques." That caused Oscar to laugh out loud in the middle of class; his relatively white complexion, was now a full face of scarlet.

I had to stifle a giggle.

At lunch I located Skylar quickly, hugging her tightly around the waist, Skylar did the last thing, I had ever expected to do. Skylar pushed me away. "What the hell, Bella." Skylar snapped at me angrily. "Since when do you get all huggy and sentimental?" She demanded righting her shirt, at the collar; I was shocked, unable to think of a response.

"Skylar," Jillian hissed; just as angrily as Skylar had hissed at me. "You disappear for weeks; you don't call or text or email or anything, to even let us know you are still alive and kicking the proverbial bucket around and you have the audacity to snap at Bella-after blowing her and the rest off this morning!"

"You know what Jillian," Skylar sneered. "Why don't you go take your self some place else, and get up out of my face." Jillian and I gawked at Skylar as if she had grown a third head over the last period; my mind was reeling, what had happened to my best friend? "And take the daddy's doctor Cullen's princess with you and fuck off. I don't need or want you checking up on me Bella, so just piss off and leave me alone, from now on."

I felt numb, had I just lost a friend? Just like I lost Edward?

I watched Skylar walk away, her hair glistening in the artificial light of the florescent light from the ceiling. I stood stalk still, frozen to the ground beneath my feet. I didn't know what to do, or what to say; that was until that night had come flooding back to me in full force.

My shrieks and pleas for Edward to come back to me, fell on deaf ears until both Alice and Jasper appeared by my side; my friends looking at me with tears and pity in there eyes. The principle and a few teachers that I knew, had to hold me down on the floor as I screamed, thrashed around and cried out for Edward to come back to me.

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